It's Perfectly Normal and It's So Amazing, two books that had been temporarily removed from the shelves of the public libraries in Montgomery County have been returned after a newly expanded panel that reviews children's books which have been challenged decided that they were not a threat to turn the innocent youth of Conroe into slobbering sex maniacs.
Terry Domino, a citizen member of the panel, called the decision a "strong consensus."The decision was approved by library director Jerilynn Williams, who has the authority to return the books to the shelves.
"I accept the recommendation and will forward the recommendation to Commissioners Court and the Library Board," Williams said. "I certainly appreciate the work of the citizens added to this committee as well as the library staff members."
The books were pulled from the shelves in August and September when the Republican Leadership Council, a conservative Christian group, asked Montgomery County Commissioners Court to remove the titles because it said they were pro-homosexual and sexually explicit.
"I accept their decision. That's all I can really say," said Montgomery County Judge Alan Sadler. "We set up a process, and we need to follow it, whether we agree or not."