November 13, 2004
KLOL switch makes front page

KLOL's format change was front page news today.

In a clear signal of the growing media clout of Houston-area Hispanics, radio behemoth Clear Channel Communications has yanked legendary rock station KLOL-FM (101.1) off the air and replaced it with a format that radio insiders call "Spanglish Top 40."

The switch took place Friday morning when the new station — now called Mega 101 FM (with the tag line "Latino and Proud") — began playing 10,101 songs in a row.

The new format is a mixture of Spanish hip-hop, reggaeton and pop/dance music aimed at listeners between 18 and 34 years old. Music in Spanish by artists ranging from the rapper Pitbull to pop star Shakira will be accompanied by DJs using a combination of English and Spanish.

Clear Channel officials said Houston is the first city in the nation to get the new format.

With the format change, the station is targeting young second- and third-generation Latinos, said Adam Jacobson, editor of industry trade publication Radio and Records.

"There are many Hispanics in the United States who grew up speaking English but are very proud to be called Latino," Jacobson said. "That's what Clear Channel wants to go after."

But he cautioned it would take time for the new format to take hold.

With the format change, Houston now has 16 stations that appeal to a Spanish-speaking audience.

I suppose with so many Latino-oriented stations, this move may cause one of the lower-rated ones to switch formats in order to fill in the niche that KLOL has left open. Maybe. I hope.

Clear Channel's pitch for Spanish-speaking listeners is the latest sign that large corporations are recognizing the importance of the growing Hispanic market.

Such heavyweights as NBC and Viacom are among the media giants that have bought communications companies that appeal to a predominantly Hispanic audience. Univision Communications, the largest U.S. Spanish-language television and radio broadcaster, already owns 68 radio stations, including eight in Houston.

"Corporate America and the boardroom are staring to realize, 'Wow, we're really behind the curve. We've got to catch up,' " said Alex Lopez Negrete, president of Lopez Negrete, a Houston-based advertising agency.

Even so, Negrete is saddened by the loss of KLOL.

"On a personal basis, I am every bit a rocker as I am a salsero. Will I miss KLOL that I've listened to for 34 years? Absolutely.

"Will I switch to Mega? They'll have to convince me like they have to convince the rest of the market, because we have our favorites."

Somehow, I think Mega will succeed just fine. I've no doubt a lot of market research and focus-group testing went into this format, and I'm sure it will have a broad appeal. It's just a question of how long it takes to build its audience.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on November 13, 2004 to Music | TrackBack

Wow, Hard to believe. I remember when KILT switched to country, and that was a long time ago.

I too am interested to see who will try to fill the void.

Posted by: Davebo on November 13, 2004 11:33 AM

15 radio stations wasn't enough? Is there anything we have they won't take over?

Posted by: Paul Wilson on November 14, 2004 7:47 AM

this city changes it mind so fast it's hard to keep up with....just "over night" they decided to drop a rock station, for ANOTHER spanish station....that's all there is out there, spanish and country, please bring back ROCK, and of course walton and johnson!! thanks again houston for ruining something else

Posted by: thersa on November 14, 2004 8:11 AM

ARGH! SO that's what happenned! I was extremely confused this morning, driving in...

Posted by: Aziz on November 14, 2004 9:13 AM

sick...saddened...shocked...34 years of rock history gone down the tubes...for what? to appease a special interest for one section of the population? it's political correctness gone mad...where will it stop? how much of OUR culture do we have to sacrifice to "fit in" (more like have shoved down our throats) a different culture?! it makes me sad to think of those people who gave so much of themselves to the airwaves on 101 to make our lives happier on a daily basis. Thanks for nothing Clear Channel!

Posted by: Texas princess on November 14, 2004 10:19 AM

I can't believe an icon to Houston Rocker's has been replaced by Spanish music. Where am I supposed to listen to the new rock music and know what concerts are coming to town. Who will promote rock in Houston now? I am really pissed that this has happened, and I will remember Clear Channel Communications for it! They already own most of the radio stations here now anyway, along with most of the billboards. Why couldn't they have started a new Spanish radio station instead of taking ours?

Posted by: Diana Jones on November 14, 2004 11:16 AM

[Racist comment removed. -- CK]

Posted by: none on November 14, 2004 11:30 AM

Where's Walton & Johnson?

Posted by: Kayjn_txn on November 14, 2004 11:41 AM

This is sickening. Im 16 , hispanic, but I don't like or listen to spanish top 40 or whatever. I like Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Nirvana, Rob Zombie etc. Where am I suppose to hear such great music again?? Other stations are classic Rock and thats cool, but what about rock and metal that aren't considered classic yet? What about Mandatory Metallica? Be sensible 15 stations was enough, they should have got rid of The Buzz instead. But thats my opinion. This has got to change. Come on, 34 years and out of nowhere that has been changed. I'm outraged. I know where the station is at and I will be protesting. Bring back Rock 101 KLOL!

Posted by: pissed off on November 14, 2004 12:45 PM

This is America.Give me a break.Klol was here for 34 years.Who cares about spanish.Let them go home and they can hear anything they want.This is a pathtic display of Democrats and the FCC,no matter what they say.Thats why noone knew about this.They knew us "Americans" would be pissed.AND WE ARE.We will all protest this online and in person until this wrong is righted.Thanks for asking our opinion first.Sort of took away my rights for non Americans.We all appreciate it.Hope you guys get your ratings,ha ha ha.

Posted by: Donnie on November 14, 2004 2:01 PM

why we cant replace all tv stations like ABC CBS NBC also to spanish speak spanish not english change names to spanish names and be happy rancheros.Jerry

Posted by: jerry on November 14, 2004 7:43 PM

I had a death in the family Friday. That's how it feels. I will look for ways to get in and stay in touch with the KLOL family. I wish the best for Outlaw Dave, Wendy Miller, and even Uncle Nasty who I don't care for much but that was in the context of "before Friday".

To Clear Channel I say, prior to Friday I was indifferent to your ownership of KLOL and your existence. YOU changed all that Friday. Like other events in recent history, I feel sucker punched. I vow this, I will vote against Clear Channel EVERY opportunity I get. I see or hear your name or smell your association with any event in the future, I am boycotting. If you thought I'd just move down the dial to 93.7, which you pencil necked geeks probbly think is "close enough" and you also own, WRONG! Hey, it's just business, right?

I pray for the laid off employees of the former, venerable Texas Rock & Roll flagstation. I can not wait to find out where W&J land to continue enjoying their show, hopwfully on a station with ownership with class. I hope some day, to prey on Clear Channel.

White and pissed.

Posted by: JD on November 14, 2004 8:11 PM

jerry, you racist, nascar watchin, cousin marrying, dumb ass. you go home, to hmmm. sounds like Germany you neo-Nazi ignorant assinine vato!!! Just listen to Skynyrd on 8 tracks in your trailer.

Posted by: Solorio Lara on November 14, 2004 8:12 PM

Pretty sneaky how all this went down. Have heard W/J making inuendos on their show regarding we will all be "speaking spanish" soon. Too bad no one at CC or KLOL had balls to forewarn the listeners or even present a valid survey of what the targeted age groups preferred to listen to! Same old story... the big corps dictate what we all will like. This whole situation is BS- hope mega crap goes down the tubes soon!

Posted by: TZ on November 14, 2004 8:21 PM

I just wanted to cry when I changed that station Friday afternoon to "Rock 101" and the shit was all Latino and crap. I was like what the hell I wanted to hear some good fucking music but no take it away I hate Clear Channel more now... Rice Radio

Posted by: Victoria on November 14, 2004 9:19 PM

Clear Channel has lost their friging minds! Why, why, why? Thank you ROCK 101 for 34 years of Rock and Roll, we will fight to have you back! Clear Channel thanks for nothing! Come on Houston we have to ban together and make them bring 'em back NOW!!!

Posted by: losttheirfrigingminds on November 14, 2004 10:32 PM

Donnie blames Democrats and the FCC? Let's check a few facts.

Since Clear Channel donated less than 25% of its campaign contributions to the Democratic Party, it must surely be a conspiracy committed by those “damned” liberal Democrats ( And since Michael K. Powell ( is the chairman of the FCC, I'll bet he leans much further left than his father, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell.

So, if anyone chooses to boycott and vote against those who are to blame, don’t just do it against Clear Channel. Do it against those who allow mass consolidation amongst the media (¬Found=true).

Posted by: Christopher Price on November 14, 2004 10:57 PM

Moved to Houston in 1965. Two radio stations defined Houston, KIKK and KLOL. Thanks to Clear Channel, KIKK is Smooth Jazz and KLOL is ??? whatever. I'm sure that Jazz and Tejano, mexican, spanish ??? whatever music have thier place in Houston, but you don't have to take away the cornerstones of radio. Solorino, I'll take my NASCAR watchin, 8 track listinin money and spend it on any business which is not connected to Clear Channel. Other Clear Channel station are: 94.5, 96.5, 93.7, 99.1, 950 AM, 740 AM. I guess I'll fold up some paper to put under my 8 track so it doesn't double track on me and listen to some great Rock and Roll music.

Posted by: Ed on November 14, 2004 11:11 PM

I am not surprised. Youth are typically drawn towards what is currently popular, and radio is just responding to this perceived need. I think the world would be better off if all of our children wore bling bling and spoke the Mexican's version of Spanish. Combine that with black juvenile vernacular that wont translate into Spanglish and you have this nauseating pile of garbage called radio. Perhaps we could all trade our cars in now for '85 firebirds with old english lettering on the back, running lights on the bottom, and carpet on the dash. This is a travesty of American society, this is not what they had in mind when they fought the War for Independence. I'd rather live in Nazi Germany, at least there I'd be spared Latino Hip Hop.

Unsere Ehre Heisst Treue

Posted by: Jason Molloy on November 15, 2004 2:01 AM

Clear Channel just made a business decision. Sometimes those decisions are hard to make, but must be made when answering to the board of directors and the shareholders.

What this really ought to be is a wake-up call to all of us about how many people are coming across our border every day of the week. At one time in the "Good ole days", a person had to speak english to become a citizen. I'm quite certain that even if that is still a law on the books, it's not being followed. That's not our biggest problem though. The biggest problem is the millions of illegals in this country who don't speak a lick of english. Now don't get me wrong, if someone wants to legally apply for citizenship and pass all of the requirements, including the ability to pass and english exam, then I welcome them. However, when I go to a US National park and all of the signs are in dual language, I start to get a little pissed. How much of OUR tax money is being spent to allow for dual language translation on many things in this country?

If you live in France, you have to speak French or you're screwed. If you live in Germany, guess what, you'd better speak some German. If you live in the USA, you're supposed to speak english, but we've let the soft-hearted liberal bastards take over so much, that we "feel for those swimming over the southern border", and "cater" to them.

So it's not really Clear Channel's fault. It's our fault for letting the liberals have their way for so long. If we don't act soon, Walton and Johnson will be right about all of us speaking Spanish, but not just on KLOL. First KLOL, then Texas, then the whole southern US, etc.

God bless the USA will eventually be replaced with Viva LA USA en Mexico!

Posted by: RH on November 15, 2004 8:34 AM

Clear Channel just made a business decision. Sometimes those decisions are hard to make, but must be made when answering to the board of directors and the shareholders.

What this really ought to be is a wake-up call to all of us about how many people are coming across our border every day of the week. At one time in the "Good ole days", a person had to speak english to become a citizen. I'm quite certain that even if that is still a law on the books, it's not being followed. That's not our biggest problem though. The biggest problem is the millions of illegals in this country who don't speak a lick of english. Now don't get me wrong, if someone wants to legally apply for citizenship and pass all of the requirements, including the ability to pass and english exam, then I welcome them. However, when I go to a US National park and all of the signs are in dual language, I start to get a little pissed. How much of OUR tax money is being spent to allow for dual language translation on many things in this country?

If you live in France, you have to speak French or you're screwed. If you live in Germany, guess what, you'd better speak some German. If you live in the USA, you're supposed to speak english, but we've let the soft-hearted liberal bastards take over so much, that we "feel for those swimming over the southern border", and "cater" to them.

So it's not really Clear Channel's fault. It's our fault for letting the liberals have their way for so long. If we don't act soon, Walton and Johnson will be right about all of us speaking Spanish, but not just on KLOL. First KLOL, then Texas, then the whole southern US, etc.

God bless the USA will eventually be replaced with Viva LA USA en Mexico!

Posted by: RH on November 15, 2004 8:35 AM

Won't listen to another clear channel until they bring back 101 Bad Move clear channel

Posted by: lynn on November 15, 2004 10:05 AM


Posted by: Spring Davis on November 15, 2004 10:35 AM

Once again

This is sickening. Im 16 , hispanic, but I don't like or listen to spanish top 40 or whatever. I like Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Nirvana, Rob Zombie etc. Where am I suppose to hear such great music again?? Other stations are classic Rock and thats cool, but what about rock and metal that aren't considered classic yet? What about Mandatory Metallica? Be sensible 15 stations was enough, they should have got rid of The Buzz instead. But thats my opinion. This has got to change. Come on, 34 years and out of nowhere that has been changed. I'm outraged. I know where the station is at and I will be protesting. Bring back Rock 101 KLOL!

Posted by: pissed off on November 15, 2004 10:41 AM

What the heck, Not only did they take rock off the air but then they turn around and play 11001 sings in a row.

So not only are the pandering to the minority but giving them commercial free tunes. I wonder which CC exec is going to run for office here in Houston next year.

Posted by: JB on November 15, 2004 11:07 AM

What the heck, Not only did they take rock off the air but then they turn around and play 11001 songs in a row.

So not only are the pandering to the minority but giving them commercial free tunes. I wonder which CC exec is going to run for office here in Houston next year.

Posted by: JB on November 15, 2004 11:07 AM

We have a site started! It is still in the works but it will be the place to gather and form a campaign against Clear Channel to bring back a ROCK format to Houston.

Posted by: Christopher on November 15, 2004 11:58 AM

Another freaking tejano station - thats just great. Clear Channel Radio - what a bunch of idiots. KLOL has been Houston's rock station, without a format change, since 1970. So now you feel like you have to make this change overnight. I hope you all choke on the PITIFUL returns and ratings you can expect from this lame, pathetic move.

Posted by: JAMES on November 15, 2004 1:39 PM

How stupid is this!!!! How old are ya'll and all ya'll are doing is fighting over a stupid radio station!! And ya'll are suppose to be talking shit about the radio station not about HISPANICS!! it's not our fault that they changed the radio station to spanish!!!IT'S ABOUT TIME HISPANICS ARE BEING RECOGNIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: This is STUPID!!! on November 15, 2004 2:51 PM

To Ed, who moved here in 1965: KLOL didn't exist at that time. KIKK and KILT (when it was Top 40 on 610 AM and album rock on 100.3 FM) were the defining stations -- although KNUZ, KENR and KULF did have their own faithful listeners back in the day...

Sad stuff.

Clear Channel really does suck. Hard.

Posted by: mark on November 15, 2004 3:08 PM

Someone must have slipped me some of the Konspiracy Koolaid, but what if this format change was desinged to drive people to satellite radio. You might think that's silly since Clear Channel is a major radio station owner, but Clear Channel is also a major investor in XM satellite radio. Check out the Forbes Monday matchup from 2 weeks ago.


Posted by: Patrick on November 15, 2004 3:25 PM

stupid move. Thats bull. Is anyone really going to listen to this new crap. Bring back Walton & Johnson!!!!!!

Posted by: Yo Mama on November 15, 2004 3:26 PM

This is an outrage! 14 Latino stations weren't enough? Where is the logic in destroying the only bastion of comprehensive rock music in this great city? Rock 101 has been a staple of the Houston airwaves with a proud 34 year tradition. I've grown up listening to 101. Nearly every new rock song I've heard on the radio has come from that station. There is a sudden and unexpected void in my life now that is comparable to the death of a loved one. Where now will I turn for my music? There is nowhere. Meanwhile Latinos now have 15 choices instead of 14. This is clearly a racist move. I have nothing against Latinos, and my anger is not directed to them. This is, without a doubt, a response by the liberal media (Clear Channel being a member) to the increase in the conservative Hispanic vote. Squelching conservative voices like Walton & Johnson is a cheap ploy to accomplish that end and it will not work. The way this was done, without warning, lacks any semblance of class. Shame on Clear channel.

Posted by: Steve Sparkman on November 15, 2004 3:29 PM

This is an outrage! Rock 101 has been a legend in Houston since 1970. There are 15 other latino stations in houston and very few good rock stations. Rock 101 was a station that offered a mix of classic and alternative rock with good DJ's that spoke ENGLISH. There are a lot of Anglos out there who feel the same way I do. I understand that many latinos in the inner city like latino music, but there are also many Anglos in and outside the city in the suburbs that will not stand for this injustice. This is America and if you would like to help bring them back sign the Petition

Posted by: Nathan Kibodeaux on November 15, 2004 3:36 PM

This is an outrage! Rock 101 has been a legend in Houston since 1970. There are 15 other latino stations in houston and very few good rock stations. Rock 101 was a station that offered a mix of classic and alternative rock with good DJ's that spoke ENGLISH. There are a lot of Anglos out there who feel the same way I do. I understand that many latinos in the inner city like latino music, but there are also many Anglos in and outside the city in the suburbs that will not stand for this injustice. This is America and if you would like to help bring them back sign the Petition

Posted by: Nathan Kibodeaux on November 15, 2004 3:37 PM

This is an outrage! I couldn't believe my ears when I woke up this morning. I spent probably 10 minutes adjusting the dial on my clock radio trying to tune in Walton & Johnson before I accepted what had happened. Fourteen Latino stations weren't enough? Where is the logic in destroying the only bastion of comprehensive rock music in this great city? Rock 101 has been a staple of the Houston airwaves with a proud 34 year tradition. I've grown up listening to 101. Nearly every new rock song I've heard on the radio has come from that station. There is a sudden and unexpected void in my life now that is comparable to the death of a loved one. Where now will I turn for my music? There is nowhere that can compare. Meanwhile Latinos now have fifteen choices instead of fourteen. This is clearly a racist move. I have nothing against Latinos, and my anger is not directed towards them. If Clear Channel wanted to try to get a bigger piece of the pie of Hispanic listeners, why would it dismantle the only station in the city like Rock 101, forsaking it's many listeners and employees. They could have destroyed any number of lesser stations to accoplish this. No this is, without a doubt, a response by the liberal media (Clear Channel being a member) to the increase in the conservative Hispanic vote. Squelching conservative voices like Walton & Johnson is a cheap ploy to accomplish that end and it will not work. The way this was done, without warning, lacks any semblance of class. Shame on Clear channel.

Posted by: Steve Sparkman on November 15, 2004 3:39 PM


Posted by: Nathan Kibodeaux on November 15, 2004 3:39 PM

This sucks really bad NO ROCK in the 3rd largest city for spanish. They have enough, I need rock and Im'm very proud to be a faithful 10%'er WHERE IS MY WALTON & JOHNAON? This makes me sick to even think that after 30 some odd years not even a good buy just cut off! Clear Channel you blow!! This is an outrage a pathetic move. Give me Rock Rock Rock

Posted by: Kenneth on November 15, 2004 4:00 PM

See the groundswell of reaction trying to get CC to change KLOL back to rock.

Posted by: Sasha on November 15, 2004 4:01 PM

Clear Channel Communications huh???? Guess i'll just have to find out who the other stations in the area are and boycott them as well as their sponsors. So easy to change the presets on the old radio.


Posted by: TXStingray on November 15, 2004 4:01 PM

This has to be the most ridiculous thing that could happen to Houston. I know the radio sucks in Houston, but now it's just downright shitty!! 34 years of rockin' us hard, and nothing, not even a farewell. Clear Channel, you can take all your billboards and crappy-ass latino stations and shove 'em. You've messed with the wrong people this time.

Posted by: Kelleybeth on November 15, 2004 4:58 PM


Posted by: PEOPLE FOR ROCK KLOL on November 15, 2004 5:40 PM


Posted by: Chris Reid on November 15, 2004 5:52 PM

If they want to create a "new format" why didn't they just take one of the 15 stations that are already spanish and flip one of them? That would have been a smarter move than killing off a radio icon like Rock 101...

Arbitron - October 2004

1. KBXX 97.9 FM "The Box", Radio One, rhythmic.
2. KLTN 102.9 FM "Latinos", Univision, regional mexican.
3. KMJQ 102.1 FM "Majic", Radio One, adult urban.
4. KODA 99.1 FM "Sunny", Clear Channel, adult contemporary.
5. KRBE 104.1 FM "104", Susquehanna, top 40/chr.
6. KPTY 104.9 FM "Party", Univision, rhythmic.
7. KPRC 950 AM, Clear Channel, news/talk. Was #9 last month.
8. KKBQ 92.9 FM "93Q", Cox, country. Was #7 last month.
9. KOVE 106.5 FM "K-Love", Univision, Spanish contemporary.* Was #10 last month.
10. KTBZ 94.5 FM "The Buzz", Clear Channel, alternative. Was #8 last month.
11. KILT 100.3 FM, Infinity, country. Was #13 last month.
12. KTRH 740 AM, Clear channel, news/talk. Was #11 last month.
13. KHJZ 95.7 FM "The Wave", Infinity, smooth jazz. Was #15 last month.
14. KTHT 97.1 FM "Country Legends", Cox, country.
15. KHMX 96.5 FM "Mix", Clear Channel, hot ac. Was #15 last month.
16. KLOL 101.1 FM "101", Clear Channel, rock. Was #18 last month.
17. KTJM 98.5/KJOJ 103.3 FM "La Raza", regional mexican.
18. KKRW 93.7 FM "The Arrow", Clear channel, classic rock. Was #16 last month.
19. KLDE 107.5 FM, Cox, Oldies.
20. KHPT 106.9 FM "The Point", classic rock.

hell kill off the Point for that matter. Where the hell do these "ratings" come from anyway....I have lived here for 20 years and no one has ever asked me or anyone I know what station I listen to...I think that they need to do a little more researh...

Posted by: bman on November 15, 2004 6:03 PM

Disgusting! Anger! Frustration! I could say them all ten times and it wouldn't scratch the surface of what I felt like friday. Someone had better offer some explanation as to where I can find my Freedom-loving, Kerry-killin, Leftist liquidating Walton & Johnson and Outlaw Dave! What's next? Hooters turning into a taqueria with Fat-ass momma citas pooring Fanta for the Lunching lawn care patrons? This was a big bite, but it was the last bite! I refuse to take part in the abomination, (That IS CC) to this freedom slowly slipping away, until KLOL returns to another dial position or they restore the majesty of our Beacon of rock and roll history!


Posted by: Chris on November 15, 2004 7:15 PM

Last time I looked out the window, I still lived in America. Go to other countries and you listen to what their primary language is. Why do we need so many hispanic stations ? Is rock and roll going to be a minority now ??? You could have taken away any other station, not Rock 101 ! How many rock stations does Houston have now compared to hispanic stations ?????? This is b.s., you should bring back Rock 101 and settle with 15 hispanic stations !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Randall on November 15, 2004 7:32 PM

Last time I looked out the window, I still lived in America. Go to other countries and you listen to what their primary language is. Why do we need so many hispanic stations ? Is rock and roll going to be a minority now ??? You could have taken away any other station, not Rock 101 ! How many rock stations does Houston have now compared to hispanic stations ?????? This is b.s., you should bring back Rock 101 and settle with 15 hispanic stations !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Randall on November 15, 2004 7:41 PM

I can't believe you have taken away Rock 101 and given it away to more chalupa eaters ! There is enough hispanic stations on AM, Why are you going to ruin FM now ! This is America people. If they want to listen to that crap, let those taco eating butt monkeys go back to their own country where that is their language, NOT OURS !I have been listening to Rock 101 since it came on air and I am one pissed off AMERICAN !!!!!!

Posted by: Pete on November 15, 2004 7:47 PM

I've listened to klol for years and to find that it has been replaced by a mexican station sucks big time. I hope this station is a bust and some idiot at clearchannel loses his job.

Posted by: mark k on November 15, 2004 7:49 PM

To anyone who wants to E-Mail the "VP of Marketing and Communications" at Clear Channel to tell him exactly what you think, Here you Go:

Omar Thompson,

Good Luck!!

Posted by: E-Man on November 15, 2004 8:23 PM

Clear Channel will be boycotted by me and everyone I know and everyone they know and everyone they know and everyone they know and... well I think you get the idea. To hell with Clear Channel and the Tejano Turd it rode in on!!!

Posted by: Sam on November 15, 2004 8:47 PM

You know why they did the removed Rock 101, instead of the other stations?
- We have an enormous market for Hispanics here in Houston. That whole border control issue.
- Rock 101, was been overtaken by 94.5 and 93.7. Maybe not in listeners, but in the music. I suspect you'll see a change in both 94.5 and 93.7 to had some older/newer (respectively) to their playlists. The line defining Rock 101's music had been blurred by those other two stations.

That said, screw Clear Channel, I want the Radio Gawds back!

Posted by: [ed] on November 15, 2004 10:12 PM

Are you all really so racist? And if so, are you proud of it? I am of Mexican origin, but I an American. My father and all of my uncles have served ALL Americans in the armed services for decades. You folks are really being insulting. You should apologize and just be upset with Clear Channel for making a poor business decision. Not all Hispanics are illegal aliens, fat mommas, smelly, or whatever else perjorative you folks want to throw on this blog. I am so disappointed in you all.

Posted by: Renee on November 15, 2004 10:15 PM

I've signed all the petitions I could find. Friday night I felt like some had died. It was like finding out your girlfriend is fucking your best friend. I was pissed and hurt by it. I've called the jocks, won money and tickets from the show, listened to Manditory Metallica, and for what? For Clear Channel to tell me I need to eat more Tacos? Fuck that.
I'm a metalhead. Headbanger. Thrasher. Call me what you will, and though Rock101 went to shit AFTER CC bought it, it was still THE rock station. The Buzz gets more rating due to the fact that they play more stupid "mallcore" bullshit. Take Good Charlotte and shove it up your ass. I want my Rock101 back.

Posted by: Mark M. on November 15, 2004 10:38 PM

to whomever the bonehead is that tried to make this a "republican/democrat" thing above... your stupidity is showing. clear channel is heavily republican. do you not remember the stern controversy? do you not remember how much pull the fcc and washington had on clear channel to make immediate actions by killing off one of their top personalities (personally... i dont understand him. hes a waste). but the implication that this had something to do with political party lines is assinine.

i liked walton and johnson too... but i sometimes felt like i was listening to a rush limbaugh show, and not a rock morning show. sorry... but if i want politics, i'll get it from someone who knows what the hell they are talking about.

i'm sorry to those that may not have been outside of houston and listened to radio... but klol 101.1 was a far cry from a "rock station". it catered to a minority here in town. i would have liked to see it add to its format though... expand rather than be handed over to another genre all together. when i think "rock"... of course bands like metallica, ozzy, sabbath, etc come to mind. but also bands like tool, pantera, korn, zombie, and the list goes on. klol lacked heavily with that group of listeners, and apparently, this is the only city in the state that was like this. even smaller towns... austin, san antonio, etc... all had decent well rounded rock stations. why couldnt houston?

sad to see it go... but looking back, i cant say that i blame clear channel.

Posted by: microdot on November 15, 2004 11:47 PM

There is a lot happening over at!

Please go visit and help bring back KLOL.

Posted by: Christopher on November 16, 2004 1:32 AM

I gave up listening to Rock & Roll on the radio since my hearing started failing became on huge unharmonic buzz anyway...LOL

There should be no surprise in the way that CC swapped stations because they have done it before in this very same notice, no explanation, no nothing.

Back in the spring of 2001 they fired Jon Matthews, Edd Hendee, and Mike Richards. Back then Dan Patrick was still within the "no compete" clause of his contract with CC inc so there was little that could be done. I didnt listen to radio on the weekends, but I woke that Monday morning at 5 am to catch the Jon Matthews show and some wacky liberal feminist was on the radio. Turned it off and tried again the next day...same tramp?!?! Called the station, no answer. Sent answer. I was crushed just like you all were. Flipped over to 700 AM on a lark Wednesday afternoon and found Jon, Mike, and Edd.

So this is modus operandi for them.

CC inc simply didn't like the older demographic that then "Supertalk" 950 AM targeted. Which I really couldnt understand since most "older" people have more disposable income. I am sure that politics had little to do with the situation since they replaced the "stoggy" old conservatives with the "younger and hipper" conservatives...?!?!? Splain that one to me please?

The fact is they wanted a peice of the "Hispandex" (dont hollar at beavis and butthead....LOL) market. That and they wanted a younger target audience.

I am on the outside of their target demographic and I assume most of the listeners of KLOL are as well especially those of us that started listening from the beginning.

Its just business...nothing more and nothing less.

Ronnie G.

Posted by: Ronnie G on November 16, 2004 7:54 AM

i hope all the fu**ing mexicans die, bastards are taking all of our radio stations. if they take the buzz ill bomb thier station i promise.

Posted by: Tyler on November 16, 2004 11:18 AM

all beeners must die

Posted by: tyler on November 16, 2004 11:21 AM


Posted by: tyler on November 16, 2004 11:24 AM

KLOL is GONE!! Signing the petition may make you feel better, but it's going to do absolutely nothing in getting KLOL back on the air. Sorry, but you guys just need to move on. . . you can talk about doing this and that till you're blue (or red) in the face. . well, I'm here to tell you right now that you will NOT succeed in getting KLOL back on the air. . . . give up and stop being a F---ing baby about it! It'a just a damn radio station people!!!!!

Posted by: Mr. Reality on November 16, 2004 11:29 AM

"i hope all the fu**ing mexicans die, bastards are taking all of our radio stations. if they take the buzz ill bomb thier station i promise.
Posted by: Tyler on November 16, 2004 11:18 AM "

wow.... you must be the smartest guy int he special education class at your local elementary school. do mommy and daddy know you are using the computer?

as mr reality stated.... get over it. move on. nothing to see here. for some of you, it sucks, for some it doesnt. fact is, those of you that are pissed off about it, are now in the small minority, and the majority (in this case, spanish radio) won. get used to it. take it up the ass, and move on. clear channel is not a public organization, and therefore no matter how many petitions you sign, or congressmen you write, nothing can or will be done about it.

Posted by: Microdot on November 16, 2004 12:48 PM

Well, I was little dissapointed because I love Rock, but I also love Salsa,Merenge,Reggetton Ect.. then I read every single one of this comments and it just make me sick how people get confuse with the word MEXICAN, SPANISH, HISPANIC, do they really know what that means??? 2. If they change the station or it was sold maybe because it didnt have that much of ratings. And I dont mean to be racist, and this radio station is own probably by an American not for a MEXICAN, HISPANIC OR SPANISH, please get a dicctionary to find what this words mean.

Nancy Huerta

Posted by: Nancy Huerta on November 16, 2004 2:05 PM

Clear Channel is LOCO!!!!

Posted by: Lizzy on November 16, 2004 4:33 PM

[Offensive comment deleted. -- CK]

Posted by: none on November 16, 2004 4:42 PM

I've listened to 101 ever since I was a kid. I was shocked also. I'm kinda glad and kinda sad. I used to like Ozzy, ZZ Top, Led Zepplin! They played the shit out of them, that I don't even like those bands anymore. I still love Ozzy but just tired of hearing him every five minutes.

Posted by: Nora Fowler on November 16, 2004 6:13 PM

I am so upset. Every morning i wake up and go to my school. Ever since I could not listen to my morning rock on klol i have had bad days. Now i have to listen to gay ass shit spanish bullshit on 101.1. Then at 4:20 i cant smoke and be happy because I can not listen to Outlaw Dave. I think we should protest this bullshit. I want my Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, and JIMMY HENDRIX

Posted by: roger haenggi on November 16, 2004 9:42 PM

I have listened to 101 KLOL since the 70's. As Americans our rights are slowly being taken from us. CC, I don't listen to any of your other stations, the formats suck.
I don't know what demographics you are going by, but no one asked me what station I listen to..
Houston its time for us to take a stand, perhaps it is time to pool our resources and see what we can do to create the new rock 101 KLOL, that walton and johson/stevens and Pruiet and out law dave would be proud to be a part of... think about it money talks BS walks... INSTEAD OF WHINNING HOUSTON PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS.

Posted by: Donna on November 16, 2004 9:59 PM

You know it's sad that now there is no station in Houston for the people who want to hear just good hard rock.Thank you clear channel for forgetting about the and not caring for US the white male(and females) who likes rock.Maybe you can change the rest of your stations to mexican or cuban or someother spanish format.You know Sanna Anta was right when he said he would take back Texas without ever firing a shot.Guess not we Texas haft to learn spanish

Posted by: albert on November 16, 2004 11:05 PM

I could see this coming a mile away...

After spending 6 years away from Houston, leaving during the kickass times of Stevens & Prewitt, and coming back to what KLOL became, who couldnt see the demise of this station down the road?

Their format-, became more "Classic Rock" which played nothing more than a few oddball tracks thrown into the constant stream of Led Zeppelin and ZZ Top. Granted, nothing is wrong with those bands, but playing nothig but them gets a lil old.

Their morning show-, good Lord who let these guys on the air. I would expect this garbage from a new station, but an icon like KLOL? Cmon now! This morning show made me puke from the day I was able to pickup Houston radio stations again. Want an example of a real morning show? Check out KML on 97.9 Baltimore. The W&J second rate voice impressions sounded like something out of a third grade school play. And you have to actually act suprised they are gone?

Hopefully, Wendy and Outlaw make it over to the Buzz, so we can still hear them. They are about the only thing worth hearing from KLOL.

It was sad to see KLOL go, but it was expected...

Posted by: EyeOfTheStorm on November 16, 2004 11:21 PM

Muy Bien!
Translation:Good job!
This new station is a way for us latinos to express our pride, I enjoyed a great deal of songs I heard on Mega 101. Why lie KLOL was here a good long time, sooner or later its thrown was going to be taken. Now it is our turn to rule the station and make music for the future latino children...

Posted by: Los Mantanceros de Aguapachula on November 17, 2004 12:24 AM

Too bad (10 percenters) white people. If you don't like it move to montana or north dakota. Houston has a lot of spanish speaking people. Clear channel is just changing to reflect the changing demographics of the city. This latino population of this city will contiue to grow. There is nothing that can be done. Stop whining and if you can't beat them join them.

Posted by: white mexican on November 17, 2004 4:06 AM

Now joo see amigos, das a good ting dat Clear Shannel done mayn. Joo people dunno what it's like here in da United States of da America. You dona like dese chitty jobs dat we do. No one wanna to do dem, sept me and Paco, Rodrigo, Jose, and da ress of me es'es. Well mayn, times change here in dis part of da America, we breed lika da cocka roach mayn, wesa everywhere. An since wesa everywhere.. me amigos at da Clear Shannel no dis. Theysa shange tings to what wesa lissen to, since we da mashority now.

Joo wanna get rid us? Den joo gotta offa joo dirty ass and do da chitty work den mayn. Den we no hava jobs. Cause we dumb asses mayn, we cant do u nuting else mayne.

So adios! Viva los beaners!

Posted by: Hector on November 17, 2004 5:28 AM

stop bitching like babies and go buy their Cd's and listen to in you cars if you enjoy their music so much. All you punk bithches need to grow up and stop crying over a punk ass station. How about yall turn to Quanell X for help. It seems to help for the others that cry and bitch.

Posted by: Stop bitching on November 17, 2004 9:11 AM

The fucking rednecks are now crying over some lame ass shit. Don't be mad at us mexicans for this shit. Be mad at your own fucking people who put all of you all in the BACK OF THE BUS! Roles are switched now, right GRINGOS. Just go with the flow that's what we did. Better yet just join the Brown people and you all will be alright, but first ya'll got to stop bitching over this.we can't stand those who bitch and complain over bullshit.

Posted by: g on November 17, 2004 9:24 AM

Look up the books fellas. The United States is the only country in the world with NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE in the books. Its not the FCC or the Democrats, Im a Republican myself, and I'll say it, THEY DID IT FOR THE MONEY. KLOL's rock format was a money losing endeavor at this point. Don't worry, its all a publicity stunt. KLOL will come back on the dial, probably on 93.3. So stop bitching you ignorant bastards....

Posted by: jose on November 17, 2004 9:27 AM

alright lets get things straight Hispanics are not a minority anymore, lets be real all the ones that can swim run and jump are already over hear, there was no reason to change a part of Houston and its culture to appeal to Spanish people in Texas, you could have made your own station, instead you continue to run the white culture further and further out of Houston, I mean be real it was here a hell of a lot longer than CC and you have no right to take it away from the listeners, honestly I as an American and as a resident of Houston since birth am very offended that you would take something away from rock music to replace it with Hispanic, remember that there are still a few rockers out there I have no problem living in a multi cultural Houston but damn share the stations, we have no other rock station except fro Buzz and god love them for being there. Anyway who listens to the Hispanic top 40, I am not racist normally but when you take something away that has been there for so long you should be ashamed and may god forgive you!!!!!!! I hope your station chokes and you have to get down on your knees and beg Walt and Johnson back ... in closing to the Guys of KLOL it was a good time and I hope to hear you on other stations soon, God Bless you!!!! ROCK ON!! One more thing to the Hispanics of Houston learn to speak English damn it its AMERICA not Mexico....

Posted by: BooBoo on November 17, 2004 9:36 AM

This really sucks !!!!!!!!i was a die hard KLOL listner and im pissed!!!f--- clear channel!

Posted by: Edward on November 17, 2004 11:01 AM

No seas estupido idoita, Texas use to be Mexico.
Gringos got greedy, started to take over so now pay back is bitch isn't it.

Posted by: latina and proud!! on November 17, 2004 11:14 AM

This ain't about white people, hispanic people, or any people. It's about the money!!! These bastards are just greedy slobs who follow the money, and they figure that this new format will make them more than Rock 101 did.

You wanna bring back KLOL? Outlaw Dave? Wendy, W&J, and even Locke? You gotta show them a way to make some money.

It's the money stupid.

Posted by: Robert on November 17, 2004 2:41 PM

robert is smart. jose is smart too. all these punks who this the hispanics did it, well listen up. the CEO and the board of directors for clear channel ARE ALL WHITE. now dont get me wrong, i like the rock and roll, but, dont go blaming hispanics for the format switch. blame the programming director, the marketing director, their assistants, and the fans who listened to the station but did not support its events. dont blame the hispanics. think about it, did the hispanics go try to get KLOL off the air so it could be replaced? No. They did not. So once again, do not blame Hispanics. THIS IS PURE BUSINESS. ONCE AGAIN, CLEAR CHANNEL FLEXES ITS MONEY MAKING MUSCLES. As a musician in the local music scene, I can tell you that lots of people in the business knows that Clear Channel only cares about one color: GREEN (as in dollars). So leave the Hispanis alone. It's not their fault. KLOL, as long of a history as it might of had, was not doing its job for Clear Channel and got cut. Sad, but true.

Posted by: gringo castro del america on November 17, 2004 4:34 PM


Posted by: gringo castro del america on November 17, 2004 4:35 PM

I was here when Z-Rock went off air. Now this. Can it get any worse? As for all you racists out there. GET IT THROUGH YOUR UNEDUCATED,IGNORANT HEADS! HISPANICS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CHANGE. MOST OF US ARE JUST AS PISSED ABOUT IT AS THE REST. LONG LIVE ROCK 101

Posted by: Frank C on November 17, 2004 5:14 PM

For all you LATINOS out there offending everyone else...

Posted by: Frank C on November 17, 2004 5:26 PM

What is the deal with all you .... that are so f... mad about the change. Who said anything when the US took most of the south-western states from Mexico.

Posted by: Latina on November 17, 2004 8:41 PM

Yes, you are so right nothing was said back then. So stop the b>>>> and move on, because we will continue to take over, we don't care if you w..... like it or not.

Posted by: Latino on November 17, 2004 8:50 PM

[Racist comment deleted -- ck]

Posted by: none on November 18, 2004 5:38 AM

damn... i remember Zrock. hell, i hope we get another station like that one!

Posted by: brujo on November 18, 2004 10:07 AM

Latin culture has been allowed to destroy what little culture Americans in this area had. I can’t talk to people in the Neighborhood that I grew up in. I can’t read the signs. The red white and blue is now read white and green. Burgers, hotdogs, and apple pies are now tacos, enchiladas, and tres letches. The baseball field is now a soccer field. Now one of the Countries best representatives of American culture (KLOL) is gone and replaced by a format that is suited for a boarder town.

Posted by: D.Harrison on November 18, 2004 10:18 AM

oh no! we're taking over!!! hahahaha... chill out, it ain't that bad. :)

Posted by: brujo on November 18, 2004 10:22 AM

XM Satellite radio guys. I just got it because of the switch Clear Channel made. It's worth the $9.99 a month. Clear Channel can go to hell.

Posted by: bigdukem69 on November 18, 2004 1:22 PM

rock 101.1 was kool... very repetitive but kool i guess

Posted by: stonewall on November 18, 2004 4:39 PM


Posted by: JASON on November 18, 2004 9:11 PM

Time to bring KLOL back or we can all get together and never listen or watch anything Clear Channel Broadcasting has to say or broadcast including THE BUZZ. I have been listening since before LOL had a liscense, Under Ground Radio. Back in the Crash days.

Posted by: Bruce Goss on November 18, 2004 9:15 PM

they better fuckn bring it back

Posted by: Johnathan Foelker on November 18, 2004 9:18 PM

I listened to 101 from the begining and now you take it away after all this time and tell us to listen to the other channes THEY are CRAP and can never replace 101 in my eyes!! Bring back 101 Rock!!!
Love Sex and rock N Roll

not love Sex and CC

Posted by: hippyflowerchild on November 18, 2004 9:28 PM

im listioning to this taco bender b.s from upstairs who ever did this b.s will be haunted by me and my buddies and u will go to hell p.s that was the big mans fav station

Posted by: the gohst of keith on November 18, 2004 9:31 PM

im listioning to this taco bender b.s from upstairs who ever did this b.s will be haunted by me and my buddies and u will go to hell p.s that was the big mans fav station

Posted by: the gohst of keith on November 18, 2004 9:32 PM

this taco bender b.s has to stop. think about the soldiers that come back to houston and they turn this crap on im sure they will want to go find the osama of cc and blow his f***ing face off.

Posted by: 101.1 fan on November 18, 2004 9:37 PM

I like most all hispanics that I know, and have the upmost respect for them. I believe in my heart that they should learn to speak english and are as American as the rest of us. But DAMN give back the Radio station, you already control most of the dial. Clear Channel can go strait to hell! Iwonder if their Corporation could be considered a monopoly? If so maybe they should suffer the same fate as SWBT-AT&T.

Posted by: Bruce on November 18, 2004 9:42 PM

This is TEXAS !!!!!!!! I grew up on this!!! Why take the most popular station( not to mention the most recognizable call letters..) and change? There is soooo many diffrent channels it could have taken over. I have nothing against this music...but come on.....K-1-0-1????? Remember Crash? His voice alone holds a special place in my heart!! SOOOOOO many memories go along with this Station. I's an Icon....Leave it alone.( If Clear Channel was not such a chicken, they would have given us warning... but they knew that we would OBJECT, and fight for the right thing!!

Posted by: Ricky on November 18, 2004 9:45 PM

Enogh will all of your whining!!If all of you, and your friends would have listened all the time(like you said you did) this would not have happened. It is a business decision. If KLOL had been making money it would have stayed Rock. I listened to Walton and Johnson also, but they will surface on another station at some point. By the way just so you know Hispanics are actually the majority in Houston and Texas so they are not giving in to the minority, they are actually giving in to the majority.

Posted by: fal on November 18, 2004 10:47 PM

I can't believe that this damned evil corporation did this to KLOL. They kept Howard Stern off their stations and now they're coming for the smaller guys. It seems that their love for Bush never ceases.

Posted by: clearchannel on November 18, 2004 11:27 PM

"thouse bastards"

Posted by: brett on November 19, 2004 7:06 PM

Bottom line is, KLOL's radio audience has gone down over the years, that is why it was rated at number 18, out of 20 radio stations ranked. I loved Rock 101, but I believe Walton and Johnson, drove a lot of listeners away, KLOL has been declining in the ratings since the morning show change. Thier running joke was if you don't get it don't listen, most did not get or like thier humor and did not listen. I personally waited till after the morning show was over to listen to the station. all the bitching and complaining is NOT going to bring the radio station back. Unfortunately radio is a business and KLOL was not generating enough money for Clear Channel. Look at it this way, if you had a restaurant that served just hamburgers, but noone would come in and buy them, wouldn't you try a new food to offer the public to try and generate new and better business? Just something to think about....

Posted by: John on November 20, 2004 1:06 AM

man what the...Walton and Johnson trocked that was what i woke up to they were like my morning coffe couldn't start the day with out them....this is bulllshit......

Posted by: Tiffany on November 20, 2004 1:23 AM

enough of the bitchin, just f****ing grow up and enough with the politics and bring back Rock 101 KLOL, who gives a shit about the rest. Oh please we have more spanish radio stations then we know what to do with, get the fu** over it, my grandmother is spanish so it is not a matter of race, and do you even speak spanish, so please shut the fu** up and bring back 101 rock

Posted by: Angie on November 20, 2004 1:32 AM

I cannot beleive that KLOL is gone! You can call it "The day Rock died!" Does anyone know how to boycott Clear Channel and form a group to really do some damage to these thieves..I have never seen a bigger bunch of Ass wipes in my life! Certainly we can boycott the advertisers of CC, networks but I refuse to listen to find out who they are..If anyone can create a list of CC advertisers, we can call them and inundate them with BOYCOTT threats, if they do not bring back 101 immediately..This COULD work..It worked with Bill O' Reilly and the Ludacris Pepsi commercial..The people spoke out to Pepsi and they cancelled his commercial..People WE have the power to change things if we do it in a collective, organized way..Rock will Live again and so will 101 if we take action..Please do all you can to research and help, and send me any info about how to start a SERIOUS protest and Boycott of ALL Clear Channels and their advertisers..Together WE WILL make a difference...CLEAR CHANNEL WILL SUFFER FOR THIS AND SO WILL ALL OF THEIR ADVERTISERS! Optimistic Paula in Texas

Posted by: Paula on November 21, 2004 4:29 PM

Please bring back 101 ASAP....This is the day Rock Died...

Posted by: Paula on November 21, 2004 4:36 PM

I don't give a shit about cc wanting more money. There were already 15 spanish stations and only one rock station.SO how much more money could an extra spanish station actually generate. All mexicans can kiss my ass!!

Posted by: nelly on December 1, 2004 4:41 PM

When I moved to Houston in March 2000, I found Rock 101 KLOL on the radio dial. It became my favorite radio station to listen to for a couple of reasons. First, they played great music. Second, they had great DJs, especially the morning crew of Greggo, Pruitt, and The Boner, and Outlaw Dave along with Elaine Closure and Lock Siebenhausen in the evening (if I misspelled any names then sue me!). Then one day, lo and behold, the morning crew was replaced with Walton and Johnson, which was, and still is, absolute CRAP! Not too long after that, Uncle Nasty showed up to do the nighttime gig. Where the hell did they find this guy!? What nimrod at KLOL thought that he was even a DECENT DJ!? The only way he was able to make up for his complete LACK of TALENT was to bring strippers onto his program and chat with them about how big their boobs were, which strip joint they worked at, and how many girls they had kissed. Oh, and let's not forget the CONSTANT references to smoking pot (oh, sure, doing drugs is an acceptable part of life, kids!...NOT!). I guess someone who can't be an adequate DJ and just play some decent rock music has to resort to sex, right? And I'm sorry, the cigarette-smoking-lugie voice you always talked with was not cool, either, okay Nasty? HA! Nasty is RIGHT! By the time I moved out of Houston in July 2004 to beautiful Deep South Texas (20 miles west of South Padre Island, thank you), my radio dial was never set to 101.1, it was always on 94.5...a complete change of music genres, yes, but at least The Buzz played decent music without the strippers and constant references to pot smoking. Bottom line folks: I am not sorry to see Rock 101 leave the airwaves. They brought it upon themselves by resorting to redneck jokes in the morning and sex in the evening, while neglecting the MUSIC. I do feel sorry for all of the decent DJs (not you, Nasty) that will now have to relocate to other parts of the nation and work at new radio stations. Nobody should lose their job around the holidays. So enjoy your new radio station, Houston! Keep an open mind, and maybe a lot of you will learn to appreciate the Hispanic genre of music. Oh, and for the record, I'm your typical white, middle-class male.

Posted by: Thomas Elliot on December 13, 2004 3:29 AM

I think that 101.1 is better than the station they had before. It was a good change. We as the Latino community need a good station that plays Latino pop. I think the reson that people are mad is because they dont want the hespnic population to grow. I am 13 years old and i love mega 101.1 and they should coutinue playing. The heak with the rest of the rejects.

Posted by: Ciera on February 7, 2005 9:58 PM

All of yall are haters because us mexicans are taking over yall all of bunch of racist nobody is hearin rock is all about that LATINO AND PROUD


Posted by: Steph on May 29, 2005 2:28 AM

93.7 mike fm is still owned and operated by the same company that owned and operated Star 93.7

This will pretty much sum up what the greedy corporate fools that ran Star 93.7 did:

They saw Star as having a decent, yet small listening base. To them, it didn’t matter that there were a lot of us that liked the “dance friendly” oriented format or not. They see it in dollar signs.

They’re also scared to death about satellite radio moving in. This is why prior to the format change, you were hearing all those commercials about “you heard it here first”.

You may be saying to yourself, how could they have been hurting money wise if they had plently of commercials being aired and just about everyone you know listens to the station?

Well, that’s not how corporate sees it. They look at the arbitron ratings.

Putting that aside, let’s talk about us - the listeners. We’re all pissed off that our “little community” of disco/dance music lovers has once again been pushed aside. This same thing happened when Kiss 108 sold-out back in the mid 80s when they decided to start playing all that modern rock/alternative crap mixed in with whatever dance music they played.

We all bitched and moaned about that also… but it never got us anywhere.

Now, we have nothing (expect for satellite radio and streaming 103.5 ktu out of nyc).

I see 93.7 mike fm trying to stress the point that they “play everything”. Who gives a crap about hearing everything? We already have over a dozen rock stations on the fm dial already paying classic rock, modern rock, pop rock and oldies. What makes 93.7 mike fm unique? Nothing.

Yes, gone are the radio jocks we loved to hear (except for that annoying bitch Ann Duran - now that was a smart move getting rid of her. Someone actually called in one day to request Diamond Girl and she said “Were I come from, upstate Michigan, we never heard that song”. Ah, this isn’t upstate Michigan, this is Boston, you fool).

What about the mix shows (Star Sound Factory) on the weekends late at night? DJ Ricky, Massi, Danae Jacovidis & DJ Spinelli entertaining us after the clubs got out - all gone.

What about the noontime workout or the early evening mix shows? What about the Sunday night club classics? What about the new/breaking dance music coming out?

Hence, 93.7 mike fm says “give us a try”. Give you a try? What the FUCK could you possibly offer with this current format that could keep us former listeners happy with? Nothing.

Friends, let’s face it - disco/dance music apparently is not welcomed in Boston. There is no place for this music here. If there were enough demand for it, there would be a major station playing it. It belongs in NYC and other places.

There is however, a huge demand for rock n roll. What we need is MORE rock stations to be added to the dozen or more we already have! Why not? The demand is here for it!! In fact, what we should do is change every station on the fm dial to some form of rock music. We could even go out and spray paint “dance & disco sucks” and “rock n roll rules” to hype it up even more!

Maybe if we push for the opposite, one day, just maybe one day, something might change in “anti-dance/disco” Boston and we’ll soon be able to enjoy fm radio as we once did.

Posted by: dance-disco music lover on January 11, 2006 2:51 AM


Posted by: MONA on January 26, 2006 12:38 AM