April 06, 2006
Fundraisers for Sherrie Matula and Mark McDavid

Couple of fundraising events for local candidates in State Rep races that I'm interested in are on the calendar for the near term. First, for Sherrie Matula in HD129, down in DeLay CD22 territory in Clear Lake.

About a year ago, Sherrie Matula a board member of Bay Area New Democrats, debated our current State Representative John Davis on education and insurance issues. She was absolutely fantastic and ran circles around him. Over the next few months the Board Members of BAND encouraged her to consider running for State Rep, and SHE IS!

So: You Are Invited! To Meet and Greet Sherrie Matula Candidate for State Representative District 129, representing Clear Lake and the surrounding area.

If you would consider sponsoring the event, levels are $50, $100, $250, and $500.

Mark your calendars:
Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:30PM-7:30PM
BJs Restaurant 515 Bay Area Blvd 77598

$10 Suggested donation at the door

RSVP to: Louisa Hodges

Sherrie is retiring from teaching in May, has been active in education policies at the local and state level with the Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA), and the National Education Association (NEA). She is a board member of BAND and a former board member of the Clear Creek Independent School District.

And one for Mark McDavid, out on the west side in HD138:

You are cordially invited to a backyard barbeque BENEFIT for the

MARK MCDAVID CAMPAIGN ~ Democrat for Texas House District 138

When: Sunday MAY 7, 2006 4:00 to 7:00 PM

Where: 1342 Cheshire Lane, Hou Tx 77018
Oak Forest neighborhood near 43rd St & Ella Blvd not far from HCDP HQ
Mapquest (via tiny url) : http://tinyurl.com/h488f

Suggested contribution: $10

RSVP: 713/812-9368 or votemcdavid@cs.com

More from the email below the fold. If you live in these districts, check these folks out.

Mark McDavid of Houston is running for State Representative in District 138. The District encompasses near north and northwest Harris County neighborhoods including Garden Oaks, Oak Forest, Spring Branch, Cy-Fair, and Bear Creek.

Mark decided to run for state representative because District 138 is inadequately represented. The incumbent has voted against five clean air amendments that would have made state health pollution screening levels stricter, among other things. The district needs a stronger focus towards stewardship of our air and water, a better commitment on the part of the Texas Legislature towards properly funding public education, and an increased focus towards ending a culture of corruption in campaign finance. Mark will also fight for access to affordable insurance and health care and insurance reform.

McDavid will be taking on an incumbent in the fall general election, Republican Dwayne Bohac. According to the Tom Delay criminal indictment handed down in September 2005, Bohac was one of the handful of candidates who benefited from the alleged felony criminal conspiracy involving an exchange of money that made corporate cash available to Republican Texas House candidates in 2002. Bohac also has the dubious honor of being named one of the 10 worst legislators in 2005 by Texas Monthly Magazine. Prior to that, the magazine named Bohac as 'furniture' in the legislature, an 'award' which goes to legislators who do little during their term.

In addition to a thick ethical cloud hanging over Bohac's head for accepting campaign funds possibly money-laundered, McDavid believes that Bohac has misrepresented the District by voting to hack funding for public education and to hack funding for insuring Texas children. The incumbent has further undermined the health and safety of the 150,000 constituents in District 138 by voting against multiple amendments introduced to strengthen air quality standards and clean up severe pollution problems in Harris County.

If you have had enough of the corruption, cronyism and polluted politics, then join us in supporting Mark McDavid's bid for Texas House District 138!


NOTE: Mark is married to former SD17 National Delegate and SDEC Member, Ginny Stogner McDonald

Posted by Charles Kuffner on April 06, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack