It's been a pretty good couple of weeks for Texas Democrats, hasn't it? We're looking at a sure pickup in CD22 and a decent shot at one in CD23. Why not keep the momentum going by throwing a few coins at our first round TexRoots candidates. As a reminder, the three candidates we're touting in this go-round are:![]()
Hank Gilbert, who is running for Agriculture Commissioner.
Shane Sklar, who is running for CD14.
Juan Garcia, who is running in HD32.
See my earlier post for links to more information about all three of these fine fellows. And now that the news cycle may finally pause for a day's breath or two, you'll get to hear a lot more on these folks, and of the endorsees to follow. Please help us help them. Thanks!
Posted by Charles Kuffner on August 10, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack