I didn't get to this story about Fort Bend County Commissioner Andy Meyers' financing of some charming campaign signs yesterday, but it's been in the news for a couple of days now, and a bunch of my colleagues have been all over it: Juanita (start there and work your way up), Muse, View from 22, and Hal. All I can say is that it's too bad nobody ponied up a couple thousand bucks to erect a billboard with the slogan "Protect Pedophiles! Vote Republican" as a response, preferably in line of sight from Meyers' office. What could Meyers do about that - complain about other people's free speech rights?
Actually, I'm glad no one thought of this. Poetic justice it may have been, but someone has to draw a line somewhere, and since that someone is never the Andy Meyerses of the world, it may as well be the grownups.
It should be noted that in making his lovely attacks on a significant portion of the people of Fort Bend and elsewhere, Meyers also helped vandalize Bob Smither's campaign signs. Click the More link to read a press release from the Smither campaign about this. As it notes, Meyers is a prominent supporter of Shelley Sekula Gibbs. It would be nice if she could bring herself to look at Meyers' handiwork so that her campaign might have an opinion on the matter.
The campaign of Bob Smither, Libertarian candidate for CD-22, has received information connecting a Republican official in Fort Bend County to the destruction of “Smither for Congress†and “Republicans for Smither†campaign signs. The official is a prominent supporter of Republican write-in Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, and has close connections to her campaign.On Monday the vandals struck a Smither 4x8 sign on Highway 90 near Ellis Creek Boulevard in Fort Bend County. They removed a Smither sign from its posts, replaced it with a 4x8 reading “Want More Illegals? Vote Democrat,†and discarded the Smither sign on the ground nearby. FortBendNow.com is currently reporting that the sign was placed by a two-person Political Action Committee headed by Republican County Commissioner Andy Meyers and James Pressler. Meyers personally financed the signs and organized their distribution, thereby connecting him directly to the vandalism incident.
Over the last week, dozens of Smither’s campaign signs and 4x8 billboards have been stolen, torn down, and shredded by vandals during the early hours of the morning. This vandalism has been systematic, intentionally targeting Smither’s signs along Texas 6 and US 90 corridors in Fort Bend County.
The Smither campaign has picked up the support of several prominent Republicans who organized the Republicans for Smither committee. It appears that this support may be worrying some in the Republican party who see Smither picking up Republican votes.
Bob Smither states that “I strongly believe that campaigns should be run fairly and honestly, allowing all candidates a chance to offer their messages to the voters. It is for this reason, as well as my respect for the property rights of all Americans, that I do not condone sign theft. I hope that all of my opponents and their volunteers will join me in speaking out against this vandalism and work to bring it an end.â€
it's too bad nobody ponied up a couple thousand bucks to erect a billboard with the slogan "Protect Pedophiles! Vote Republican"
Would you please stop giving Greg Abbott new ideas to spend our taxpayer funds on?!?
Posted by: PDiddie on November 3, 2006 7:22 AM