Is it Halloween already?
It's often said that Christmas season seems to start earlier every year. Maybe that's because Halloween season is starting earlier, too.

(Another view is
here.) This will please Olivia, who loved pointing out the Big Pumpkin every time we drove past the Party Boy costume/novelty shop at I-10 and Studewood last year. When the calendar rolled over to November and the Big Pumpkin went back into storage, she was upset about it and kept asking where it was. We told her it was asleep - it's amazing what kind of BS you can get away with telling a 2-year-old. Anyway, even as Labor Day still looms in the future, the Big Pumpkin is back for another long and glorious Halloween season. She'll be so happy.
Posted by Charles Kuffner on August 29, 2007 to Society and cultcha