January 15, 2002
First scapegoat sacrificed, more to come

Today Arthur Anderson fired the lead Enron auditor, citing the "massive destruction of documents" as the SEC started investigating Enron. Other accountants on this team were recalled from Houston and/or put on administrative lead.

Stay tuned, kids. It's gonna be even more fun from here on out.

By the way, even if nothing illegal is ever tied to Team Bush (and I don't think anything will, nor do I really think there's anything there), the following paragraph from this story is a reminder why Enron's incestuous ties to Dubya really are a Bad Thing:

Repeal of the alternative minimum tax sought by Enron was included by President Bush as part of an economic stimulus package that stalled in the Senate. The measure earlier passed the House, where a provision was added that would have given Enron a $254 million infusion of cash if the legislation had become law.

Raise your hand if you think any of that $254 mill would have gone to the now-former employees. Didn't think so.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on January 15, 2002 to Enronarama