September 05, 2006
King in 2009?

You know how I've said that I'm not wasting too much brainpower on any potential 2008 election matchup because I want to get through this season first? That goes double for any stories about 2009 elections.

Meet Bill King.

If the name sounds familiar but you can't quite place it, here are some reminders: He has made dire predictions of hurricane devastation and has become a top advocate of preparedness. And he's weathered political storms as part of the Texas Southern University board that ousted President Priscilla Slade.

He was mayor of Kemah for four years.

Now he wants to be mayor of Houston.

No, he doesn't plan to challenge Mayor Bill White - who can run one more time under city term limits. King is looking past White to the 2009 election.

Is it just me, or is it weird to anyone else that the mayor of one city is considering a campaign to be the mayor of another? Is this like testing a new show in Bridgeport before you take it to Broadway? Are we implying that Kemah is to Houston as Round Rock is to the Astros? Maybe King should aim for a city in between, sizewise, first - Galveston, maybe, or Beaumont. Just a thought.

I'm going to do a lot of agreeing with Greg here. Any discussion of the post-Bill White mayoral field needs to include names like Michael Berry and Adrian Garcia. I'd add Carol Alvarado to that list as well. Sure, we don't know how the current unpleasantness will affect her future prospects. That's kind of the point - 2009 is a long way away, and often uncertain the future is. Ask me again in September of 2008 and maybe I'll have a better answer for you, bearing in mind that at this point in 2002 most people were wondering who the heck this Bill White guy was. And last but not least, I am so not ready to configure an Election 2009 category. 'Nuff said.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on September 05, 2006 to Election 2009

There is a current US mayor who served as a mayor of another city.

Ron Gonzalez, of San Jose, CA, served as the mayor of suburban Sunnyvale. Then he won election to the County Board of Supervisors in a district that covered both Sunnyvale and parts of San Jose. He moved to the San Jose portion of the district, and then won election in that city.

Posted by: Brian on September 5, 2006 7:40 AM

I would say Annise Parker would be on that list.....

Posted by: david on September 5, 2006 10:46 AM
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