April 10, 2007
Ben Barnes for Senate?

I have three words to say to the sudden flurry of Ben Barnes for Senate reports that have popped up: Just say no.

Let's put aside for a moment his call girl issues and his Carole Keeton Strayhorn issues. I can't understand the appeal of a candidate who ran for Governor in 1972, for crying out loud. More than anything, the elections in 2008 will be about the future, and there's nothing about Ben Barnes that says "the future" to me. I respect his service, I respect his financial commitment to the Democratic Party when he chooses to give it, but I don't see his appeal as a candidate, and I don't see how this became a story. And I hope this is the end of it.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on April 10, 2007 to Election 2008