It took a little gamesmanship, but the two-year toll road moratorium has passed out of the House.
Reacting to public hostility, the Texas House tentatively slapped a two-year moratorium on private company toll road projects Tuesday with a loud 134-5 vote."This moratorium gives us a chance to take a deep breath," Rep. Lois Kolkhorst, R-Bren-ham, said of her effort to temporarily stop private company toll roads.
The proposed moratorium faces a final House vote today and an uncertain future in the Senate. Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Chairman John Carona, R-Dallas, opposes a moratorium while he tries to negotiate a compromise measure. But the moratorium has support from 26 of 31 senators.
Kolkhorst's moratorium would stop private company toll roads and create a committee to study the pros and cons of those private equity finance projects. The committee must issue a report by Dec. 1, 2008.
Kolkhorst attached her moratorium measure to a transportation-related bill. Her own moratorium bill had been stranded in the House Public Transportation Committee, whose chairman, Rep. Mike Krusee, R-Taylor, opposes it.
The moratorium would not affect the Harris County Toll Road Authority, Kolkhorst assured Houston-area lawmakers.