October 20, 2007
Houston Votes Kick-off Voter Registration Training

Want to be a deputy vote registrar and help get people registered to vote? Here's how you can do that:

Houston Votes Kick-off Voter Registration Training

Monday October 22nd
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Upper Kirby Management Building
3015 Richmond
Houston, TX 77098

RSVP to Houstonvotes@gmail.com

Top 5 Reasons to Attend

Make a difference in our democracy
Get Deputized to become a Voter Regisrtar
Volunteer for registration opportunities in your community
Have fun meeting fellow Houston activists
Free Pizza

Houston Votes is a non-profit/ non-partisan collaborative partnership project working to empower individuals and organizations to strengthen civic participation through voter registration in Houston's traditionally disenfranchised modest income and youthful communities. Together, we will build a dynamic grassroots movement to register, educate, organize, and turnout Houston voters.

I've been a deputy registrar before - it's easy to do, and it gives you a great sense of civic pride. Please sign up for the training if you can. Thanks very much.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on October 20, 2007 to Election 2007