December 20, 2007
V.O.T.E.R. meeting next week

The following was sent to me by Andy Neill:

The civic group "Volunteers Organized to Exercise Responsibility" (V.O.T.E.R.) will be holding their annual Holiday Party and Fundraiser on Friday December 28th from 8:00 - 10:30 pm at Cadillac Bar - located at 1802 Shepherd just South of I-10. Donations of $20.00 are encouraged, or Sponsorship Levels of Gold- $100; Silver - $75; or Bronze - $50 are offered for the year.

V.O.T.E.R is a non-partisan discussion group that meets to converse about political issues and policies on a regular basis. They host candidate forums as well as voter education and empowerment sessions. V.O.T.E.R. was formed in 1989 by Jeff Marshall, and they are celebrating their 18th year under his leadership. Although their meeting place is in the Heights area, the membership is comprised of numerous politically active citizens from around the Houston Metropolitan area. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Jeff Marshall at (713) 862-3323, or email him at RSVPs are required by close of business Thursday Dec. 27th.

Thanks, Andy!

Posted by Charles Kuffner on December 20, 2007 to Local politics