June 10, 2008
Interview with Wendy Davis

Next up on the interview list is Wendy Davis, who is running for State Senate in Tarrant County, in SD10. Hers is one of two - hopefully three - high profile Senate races this year, which is something we don't see much of. She has a pretty compelling personal story, she was a Fort Worth City Council member for eight years, and she's running against an incumbent with some ethical issues (second link is a PDF) in a purple district, all of which make her a serious threat to help reduce the GOP's numerical superiority in the Senate.

The interview is here. It's got more background noise than some others, as we were in a restaurant at the time, but you can hear what we're saying. As always, let me know what you think.


State Rep. Dan Barrett, HD97.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on June 10, 2008 to Election 2008