June 12, 2008
Help Max crash the parties

My friend Max Cardenas is in a contest called Crash the Parties in which Si TV and Voto Latino are looking to select two reporters to carry the Crash the Parties mic and represent their community at the national conventions. He's leading in the vote total, but you can vote every day during the run of this contest, so he needs all the support he can get. Here's his pitch:

This is a contest sponsored by Voto Latino (one of the largest Latino voter outreach programs in the United States) to be a news correspondent for cable network SiTV. The contest is part of an outreach program aimed at young potential voters. It is my hope to get chosen to raise awareness among young voters and get them to move beyond the ballet boxes and involved in the Democratic process.

I am still in 1st place but need your help to stay there. Please use this link to go vote for me.

You will be asked to register with the website to vote but it take about the same amount of time as it does to fill out a Voter Registration Card.

I've voted for Max and hope you will as well. Thanks very much.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on June 12, 2008 to Show Business for Ugly People