Really interesting cover story from the Press about the bottled water industry and its effects. Some of it, like the relative cost per gallon compared to gasoline, has been covered before, but there was quite a bit that was new to me, and the inclusion of an analysis of Houston's tap water was fascinating. Lots in there to think about, and definitely worth your time to read if you haven't already.
One thing to comment on, since this has become a hot topic lately:
Last year Americans tossed over 22 billion plastic water bottles into the trash. It is estimated that only 15 to 20 percent of these get recycled -- and probably even less here in Houston. According to the trade magazine Waste News, Houston residents are the worst in the country, recycling only 2.6 percent of their waste."I have seen those newspaper articles talking about the sheer amount of plastic that is thrown away from water bottles, and that is a staggering number," says Karl Pepple, director of environmental programming for the city. "You know, we have more pressing issues right now, looking at our air quality. Bottled water hasn't boiled to the top yet. It's something that we haven't spent a lot of time looking at."
Marina Joseph, the city's Solid Waste Management spokeswoman, says that unless people recycle their water bottles, they get tossed into the landfill, which is not where the city wants them.
Easier said than done. Almost all of the restaurateurs that the Press spoke with said they do not recycle water bottles.
"We do consider ourselves a green company," says Kevin Haagenson, general manager at Voice, located inside Hotel Icon, "but unfortunately there still is the bottle that's wasted at the end. We are throwing them away right now..."
[Heath] Lagrone at *17 says the same thing.
"We do try to do our part," he says, "[but] I don't really pay a lot of attention to it."
[Jason] Kerr says that when he worked under [chef Monica] Pope, recycling "eventually got to the point where it was so much work." Plus, he says, "there's no money in it."
Once again touting Gavin Newsom's horn but SF has the best program for this, seriously, and it works. It works so well, he's consulted cities internationally. Closer to home, Austin is mimicking it, too.
Posted by: Julie Pippert on August 21, 2008 9:15 AM