October 15, 2008
It wasn't me, it was my evil twin!

Sometimes, even in Texas, truth is stranger than fiction. Remember the story about Republican CD22 candidate Pete Olson and his multiple voter registrations? Well, the Lone Star Project went ahead and filed a complaint (PDF) about it in the Commonwealth of Virginia. And then it got a little weird:

Documents obtained by the Lone Star Project and provided to Virginia authorities show that Olson voted in both Virginia and Connecticut during 2003, which is a felony violation. Olson has deep roots in both Virginia and Connecticut. He only recently moved to Texas, arriving in August 2007, just in time to file for the District 22 Congressional race against highly respected incumbent Congressman Nick Lampson. (Source: The Houston Chronicle, February 10, 2008)

The Lone Star Project made Olson's apparent violation public in a report released on October 1, 2008, which provided the new Texas resident an opportunity to give a credible answer for his double registration and voting. However, instead of demonstrating that he had officially changed residences and switched his voter registration or showing proof that the documents are somehow incorrect, Olson's campaign made the bizarre and implausible claim that although a Peter G. Olson may have voted in the August 2003 special election, "it was not candidate Olson." (National Journal's House Race Hotline, October 6, 2008) In making this fantastic claim, Olson did not say if he has alerted authorities to look for and apprehend his alleged imposter.

I just have one question: Does the mirror universe version of Pete Olson have a beard like he's supposed to? Because that ought to at least make identifying him easier.

On a completely tangential note, I found this excellent, geeky blog post when searching for that picture. Go read it, you'll enjoy it.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on October 15, 2008 to Election 2008

Wouldn't that mean you're the mirror universe Kuff?

Posted by: Justin Gillenwater on October 15, 2008 8:31 PM
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