Carrolton Republican Rep. Burt Solomons gets in the Speaker sweepstakes.
"I did file this morning. I believe it's time for a change," he said. "We are in a position now, as Republicans and for the entire body, to have a different governing style. ... I've been a past supporter of Tommy (Craddick), I like him, but I think it's a whole different management style. I've had a number of members calling me about problems they forsee. We (the GOP) have been trying to govenrm the House and we're at a crucial turning point, and I think it's time to let another Republican - since we have a slim majority - have a shot at how we're going to govern.""We have different management styles," he said. "We have different perspectives on the body, and in my opinion I believe the body wants to have more meaningful input into the issues of the day, how we're going to govern, into our rules, into everything. I believe it's time to try to ensure that happens. And that's really what this is about. It's really putting the entire body in a position to feel good about being public servants, address the issues of the day and make sure that everybody has equal input. Everybody."
Mr. Solomons' entrance into the speaker's race makes 10 candidates, five of them Republicans.