February 05, 2009
First impressions

I've said that I intend to keep an open mind about the Mayoral race, because I just don't know enough about all of the potential contenders at this point. But as the old saying goes, it won't be so open that my brain falls out. Case in point, from Rick Casey's column about Benjamin Hall.

"I think we need to redefine government," he said. "I think a minimalist government is more important than a government that intrudes on all facets of life."

A Harvard-trained lawyer with a divinity masters from Duke, Hall has a way with words: "The only government we need is the government we need," he said. "We don't need any more."

You know what? After 30 years of Republican rhetoric about government being the problem and the need for "smaller" government, and after the Bush administration's eight-year demonstration that those who have contempt for government don't belong in it, I have no patience for this kind of talk. Now maybe Hall wasn't being very clear about what he really meant - maybe Casey got lost along Hall's way with words and didn't capture his true intent. As Greg notes, Hall's stated priorities aren't exactly indicative of someone who's bent on "minimalist government". Maybe I'll like what he has to say better the more I hear him talk. But man was this ever not a good first impression on me.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on February 05, 2009 to Election 2009

Most are waiting to see which of the other candidates will make an issue of his residency - he openly admits he lives in Piney Point Village. But owns a condo in Houston. The point is he doesn't live in the condo in Houston. And despite his "legal minds" having assured him he will have no problem, most assume he will. The "legal minds" don't determine it. A judge does.

But then apparently he is used to not having a judge decide anything from his years at City Hall. And that in itself may be a good reason to keep him out of City Hall. Especially if a judge determines he has no problem.

Posted by: Baby Snooks on February 5, 2009 10:27 PM
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