Weekend link dump for September 29

“Parental Rights Face a Surprising Moment of Truth at the Supreme Court”.

“Immigrants are unsung heroes of global trade and value creation”.

“Elon Musk, from behind a massive army of bodyguards, now tweeting 150+ times a day”.

Lost was a very good show that just celebrated the 20th anniversary of its premiere. TV is what it is today in part because of Lost.

“Self-service kiosks at McDonald’s and other fast-food chains have loomed as job killers since they were first rolled out 25 years ago. But nobody predicted what actually happened.”

RIP, Eugene “Mercury” Morris, two-time Super Bowl-winning running back for the Miami Dolphins.

RIP, Kathryn Crosby, actor, singer, widow of Bing Crosby.

RIP, Dick Moss, lawyer who won the 1975 MLB arbitration cases involving Andy Messersmith and Dave McNally, thus ending the reserve clause and paving the way for free agency.

“That’s not hypocrisy, that’s consistency.”

“Nevertheless, the Harris-Walz agenda tilts heavily toward families just starting out. What’s missing is an equally robust set of ideas for families in midlife or nearing retirement. Gen X needs an opportunity agenda, too.”

“Even solar energy’s biggest fans are underestimating it”.

RIP, Zinetta Burney, trailblazing community activist and lawyer who founded the first African American female law firm in the U.S. and served for 15 years as a Justice of the Peace in Harris County. She was an icon, no question about it.

Hey Congress, you want to regulate AI, this would be a good place to start.

“Kmart, once one of America’s leading discount retailers, is closing its last full-size store in the mainland United States.”

“Sadly, by the way, there’s a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women that are like ‘listen, abortion is it, if I can’t have an abortion in this country whenever I want I will vote for anybody else.’ Okay, it’s a little crazy by the way, but especially for women that are like past fifty, I’m thinking to myself: I don’t think that’s an issue for you.”

“[Georgia’s new election] rules will almost certainly not hamstring the certification of Georgia’s electoral votes. And even if certification is delayed, such delays do not open up a legal loophole for Trump to overturn the election.”

“In a first, NHTSA proposed forcing car companies to limit the risk of pedestrian head injuries in a collision. If the proposal becomes law, models whose front ends pose excessive danger to people walking—think hulking SUVs and pickups—could no longer be legally sold. That would represent a major step toward addressing the soaring number of U.S. pedestrian deaths, which hit a 40-year high in 2021.”

“Beyond this, even if the hole is a genuine problem I keep wondering what people think we ought to do about it. On an individual level, sure, there are things that can help: therapy, self-help, meditation, religion, etc. But on a societal level? We’re just not going back to the 19th century.”

Remember the early aughts reality show Joe Millionaire? It really sucked.

If it’s not an official Netflix event, you should probably treat any so-called Bridgerton experiences” with great suspicion.

“The time to act is now. The millions of people who rely on your products everyday deserve to know how you will protect their privacy in the future and the steps you are taking now to mitigate against the potential harms should extreme and far-reaching restrictions on abortion care continue to be established. It’s not enough simply to make pro-choice promises to the press or to offer your employees the benefits all Americans should have access to.”

“Major League Baseball, to my immense disappointment, does not have a provision for drawing lots. But even if it did, we wouldn’t have seen it used.”

Wishing Tommy Kramer all the best.

Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred in Washington DC. There are a lot more lawyers from the effort to overturn the 2020 election who deserve a similar fate.

RIP, Dame Maggie Smith, legendary actor known for Downton Abbey, the Harry Potter movies, and so much more.

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2 Responses to Weekend link dump for September 29

  1. Flypusher says:

    Regarding abortion and the public displays of cluelessness by GOP candidates, regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, in the little over 2 years since Dobbs, there are undeniably bad ripple effects. We have seen the acceleration of maternal health care deserts in states with unreasonably strict abortion laws. We have witnessed too many horror stories of women suffering impaired or lost fertility, or even dying because the doctors couldn’t act quickly and decisively to end toxic pregnancies. I’ve heard plenty of anecdotal evidence of brain drain in these places, and I have zero doubt that if status quo on these bad laws is merely maintained, that drain will shown up fairly soon, and beyond any doubt, in the demographic data.

    If the people really running the pro life show were reasonable, were compassionate, really did care about the welfare of babies and their mothers, they would at a minimum give a few inches on this and rewrite the laws so that doctors could act on their best medical judgment without fear of prosecution, but they haven’t. Instead the TX right to life people think that being even “more adamant” is the way to go. This is about power and control, there is no other explanation that fits.

  2. J says:

    Of course the project 2025 jerks are going to move in and take over if the orange orifice wins. There is no other plan. Part of the destruction planned is the elimination of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, because it has scientists that report the facts of climate change. There is much more awfulness planned, like turning over public lands to commercial interests for mining, drilling, etc, including nature reserves and parks. And say bye bye to the National Weather Service—


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