Filing deadline overview, Harris County

You can see Democratic candidates here, and Republican candidates here. My comments:

– As noted, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has two primary challengers, while three Republicans including 2008 opponent John Faulk vie to oppose whoever emerges from her race. Two Democrats – Kesha Rogers and Doug Blatt, neither of whom I know anything about – are running in CD22. Five (!) Republicans are lining up to challenge Rep. Gene Green, including 2008 loser Eric Story and that man for all races, Roy Morales. All this to oppose the best performing candidate in the county from ’08. Rep. Mike McCaul has a primary opponent, and at the last minute, a November opponent as well, in 2006 challenger Ted Ankrum.

– No Democratic filing for Comptroller, but four contested statewide primaries. If Rick Perry survives his race, every candidate on the GOP side will be running for re-election, quite the comedown from the various falling domino scenarios. If 2010 is an anti-incumbent year, as the TDP is spinning it, that may have an effect.

– At the last minute, the Dems have a full slate of State Supreme Court contenders, including Houston’s Jim Sharp, who was elected to the 14th Court of Appeals in 2008, and El Paso’s Bill Moody, who was the Dems’ top performer in 2006. The bench Sharp is running for is open, with three Republicans in the primary. Another is held by appointee Eva Guzman, who has a primary challenger in appellate court judge Rose Vela. Sadly, only one of three Court of Criminal Appeals slots was filled, by Keith Hampton against Mike Keasler.

– No Democratic State Senate challenges. In recent days, I heard several hope someone would file in SD07, as that would have required Sen. Dan Patrick to get off the air till November. No such luck, apparently. The Rs have a challenger for Sen. John Whitmire in SD15.

– Dems have challengers to Republican incumbent State Reps. in HDs 127 (Joe Montemayor, who ran in 2008); 132 (Silvia Mintz); 138 (Kendra Yarbrough Camarena); 144 (Rick Molina); and 150 (Brad Neal, another 2008 candidate). Republicans have three contenders for HD149, two each for HDs 134 and 148, and single opponents in HDs 133 (Jim Murphy), 137 (Sylvia Spivey, who ran in 2006), 141, and 143. They also have four candidates for HD127, the only open seat this cycle. Only two incumbents drew primary opponents, Democrat Al Edwards in HD146, who has a rubber match against Borris Miles, and Republican John Davis in HD129. I suspect that’s because there’s no (deep-pocketed) Speaker Craddick around to stir up sludge. There’s a lot more action at the State House level in Dallas and Tarrant Counties have a lot more action.

– Chad Khan told me last night that he was dropping out of the Harris County Treasurer race, leaving Billy Briscoe as the sole candidate; the County Judge and County Clerk primaries remain contested. Three Republicans are lined up to take on District Clerk Loren Jackson, and two others are running for the open County Clerk seat. Tax Assessor Leo Vasquez has a Republican opponent, former Treasurer Don Sumners, who lost a 2006 primary race against incumbent Treasurer Orlando Sanchez. Two Democrats will run for the open HCDE Trustee in Precinct 2; the winner will face Republican Marvin Morris.

– Two Republicans are competing to oppose County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia in Precinct 2. Commissioner Jerry Eversole now has a Democratic opponent, Dave Wilson. Yes, that Dave Wilson. I think I’m going to be sick.

– Lots of races overall, though there are a number of omissions, mostly on the Democratic side, as well. Other than Jarvis Johnson, no real surprises, and even that doesn’t really qualify. All I know is there’s a lot of interviews I’d like to get done, and there isn’t much time. Are you sitting down? Early voting for the primaries starts on February 16, which is to say six weeks (!!) from today. These days, it’s never not election season.

– Newspaper coverage of the filings:

The Chron.
The DMN on Dallas County and Collin County. They also have a handy guide to the statewide candidates.
The Statesman.
The Star Telegram, which also has a handy guide to the Tarrant County ballot.
The Waco Trib.
The El Paso Times, and its handy guide to the El Paso ballot.
Finally, the Express News’s Jan Jarboe shows why it can be dangerous to make sweeping pronouncements about the ballot before the filing deadline.

– Blog and online coverage:

The Texas Trib.
The Walker Report has a lot of photos of San Antonio Democratic candidates.
PDiddie on HD134.
EoW has the Williamson County Democratic lineup.
Mary Benton on Sheila Jackson Lee and her primary opponents.
Big Jolly on the Harris County Republican primaries.

Related Posts:

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8 Responses to Filing deadline overview, Harris County

  1. John says:


    I agree for the people trying to get elected to DC jobs it will be an anti-incumbent yr. But when was the last time we had heads role for the Austin races? I am thinking it was the Sharpstown scandal of the 70s, but I could be wrong and others please correct me. I guess you could say the republican takeover of 1994 which was more a party shift in the state than being anti-incumbent

  2. Justin says:

    Kesha Rodgers is a LaRouche person, and I think she rain for TDP chair in 2006.

  3. Pingback: Eye on Williamson » 2010 Filing Wrap-Up

  4. Lyn Marcus says:

    Kesha Rogers is pretty naive cultist who is under the spell of convicted criminal Lyndon Larouche. Larouche needs fresh bloood to keep his millionaire lifestyle and delusions fully funded and Kesha fits the bill perfectly.

    For her and the cult to call themselves Democrats is absurd as she and the cult are the ones who stunk up health care meetings with posters of Obama with a Hitler Mustache. She should offer her tax returns so we can see how Larouche pays his employees via local offices for working 16 hour days, 6 to 7 days a week for him. Oh, his cult calls them “volunteers” so I guess there are no Democratic ideals such as a minumum wage, health coverage or OT and safe working conditions. The cult sends out “volunteers” to panhandle in the streets or breathe in toxic fumes in car lanes. What a great cult Kesha has devoted her life to.

    This is a cult which calls themselves Democrats while having a history of calling an African American Senator named Parren Mitchel a “House nigger” in Maryland years ago.

    Don’t fall for this luancy and demand her tax returns, see if the cult pays out the minimum wage for 80 hour work weeks. How many laws are skirted and taxes not paid by classifying the employees in her office as “volunteers” for decades?

    You can read about how this cult circus works on these sites.

  5. Doug Blatt says:

    You say you don’t know me, well…

    My name is Doug Blatt. I am a lifelong Democrat and candidate for US Congress – Texas’ District 22.

    I have been working in information systems development for about 25 years. My career has been to analyze problems, design efficient and effective solutions, negotiate with stakeholders and then implement, maintain, and review those solutions. I have an MBA from Texas A&M University at Commerce. A few years ago I started my own small business from scratch and grew it to profitability within 6 months. I have experienced many of the things that many of the voters have, such as losing my job to offshore outsourcing and then having to retrain myself and start over.

    I believe that education is a cornerstone of getting us out of this economic downturn. 25-50% of our children are dropping out of high school. They can’t possibly compete in a global job market with that kind of education. We need to use the “No Child Left Behind” test scores to help individual kids progress, not just to punish school with aggregate scores. We need to figure out ways to make post high school education more affordable, or free like they did in Ireland. In high school, we need to emphasize personal financial management and critical thinking skills for both the students and their parents.

    I also believe that we need to (with a carrot and stick approach) convince businesses and wealthy individuals into investing their money in businesses here and not overseas. The Bush tax cuts for the wealthy were reinvested, just not here in the U.S. Our government leaders gave those jobs away and Rep. Olson is advocating the same old thing. Our representatives are there to protect and serve us, not people in other countries.

    Two thirds of our economy is based on domestic consumer purchases, but whether we are unemployed, under-employed, or in fear of being unemployed, we can’t spend those discretionary dollars to support our own economy. We need to emphasize bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. The same is true of high technology jobs. When we are all employed with good paying jobs, we have the money to live, pay our bills, and support our economy.

    If you want to read more about me and my beliefs, visit my website at If you want to contact, email me at

    Volunteers and donations are always welcome.


    Doug Blatt

  6. Tex Revere says:

    John Faulk is our best hope of beating this embarrassment to our city named Sheila Jackson Lee. He has already run a race against her and received more votes than any previous challenger. And he got those votes in a decidedly Obama year.

    Republicans have been getting their clocks cleaned because they haven’t distinguished themselves as being that much different than Democrats in an attempt (That doesn’t work) to attract the independent and moderate votes. John Faulk won’t be making that mistake. People in the 18th District have a real choice between a man who has real convictions versus a Washington insider who felt a cell phone call was more important to answer than a constituent’s question at a town hall meeting.

    If you want to learn more about John Faulk, please check the links below:

    Faulk for Congress on Facebook (
    Faulk for Congress on Twitter (

  7. Turning to Page says:

    Jackson Lee is scrambling now to show that she is working hard for her constituents when it has been obvious for a long time that her main focus is on Sheila’s needs and not those of her district. Brenda Page is a resident of District 18 and sees the needs in her community, the unemployment, small business closures, and the high student dropout rate.

    Page’s experience in the corporate world and as a small business owner equips her with the practical knowledge and understanding to help create jobs and strengthen small business. She worked her way through college, earning it herself and that same tenacity is what will inspire and motivate the residents and businesses in CD 18.

    We need strong and capable leadership in Texas, you have a choice, turn to Brenda Page

  8. Samantha says:

    John Faulk will not win this district EVER! While he did receive more votes in 2008 than previous challengers, there were also more votes cast than ever before. So to compare elections we must compare percentage of votes received. John Faulk actually finished 3rd compared to the last 4 challengers in percentage of votes received. He can not win this district because he does not respect the diversity of the district. He will need the votes of Latinos, African Americans, and women. Pick up any of his advertisements and it is clear that he has a complete lack of respect for these groups. This district would be better served if we elect Tex Christopher. He is working in the district in all of the diverse communities and small businesses actually listening to the concerns of the residents so that he is well informed on how to best represent this district in Congress. He also understands that this is a position of servant leadership always answering to the people with honesty and humility. As a business owner with extensive knowledge of the financial, energy, and healthcare industries, he is the most qualified and experienced candidate.

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