Texas Veterans for Kerry

YDB brings us the news that former Sen. Max Cleland will be in San Antonio on Wednesday to announce the formation of Texas Veterans for Kerry.

Speaking in support of fellow veteran John Kerry will be Max Cleland, a former US Senator, secretary for Veterans Affairs, and Army Captain, who lost three limbs in Vietnam. Alongside will be the Bolanos brothers— Louis, Ben, Bill and Rick— who were personally cited by President Lyndon Johnson for their patriotism, as the only four brothers to serve in Vietnam.

These veterans and many others will be organizing behind John Kerry’s comprehensive plan for raising the standards of life for veterans around the country. His proposals include eliminating the “Disabled Veterans Tax” and supporting mandatory funding for veterans health care.

“America’s veterans and military families come first. Our soldiers deserve more than broken promises. I promise to fight for mandatory funding and keep the faith with America’s veterans,” John Kerry said. “We must do our part to care for those who have borne the burdens of battle. This is about keeping America’s promise. And it is about love of country and the help and honor we owe to those who defend it.”

Event details are on the YDB page. If you’re in the area, drop by and check it out.

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13 Responses to Texas Veterans for Kerry

  1. William says:

    I read a comment recently that said that after George Bush, John Kerry could only be the second worst disaster in American history.

    I hope the Texas veterans get the true message out. To the first poster, obviously there are going to be various opinions on the controversial stance John Kerry took about the Vietnam War. But where was George Bush and the rest of his deferment-happy administration?

    Oh, what’s that I hear? Deafening silence? Maybe a few crickets chirping in the background? I thought so.

  2. george de Merle says:

    Lighten up on the,”War on Drugs” and you get my vote! Thank You.
    george de Merle

  3. Q. LONGORIA says:


  4. Kerry needs to comment on the draft talk and how level the playing filedl will be if it happens.

    See my editorial and please ask him to respond.

    Larry Stewart

  5. What is his position on the possibility of a new military draft? Will he make it a more level playing field than we had in the Viet Nam days? See the editorial at http://www.escapesanantonio.com

  6. BJ. Kath says:

    Would a Veteran who served honorably in any war please answer a question I have been trying to get answered. How can you respect a man who came back from war and called his fellow soldiers baby killers and war crimminals and caused such anti-war hatred to the proud that served. We will be in trouble folks as if what we hear from those werving now, “we won’t serve for Kerry!” Not for a traitor. You will have to deal with a new generation who doesn’t see him as a patriot. Waiting to hear as I haven’t found a Veteran in my Legion or VFW. who is a Kerry supporter.

  7. Lance McCollum says:

    I’ve been increasingly infuriated over the strategy by the Bush attack dogs over John Kerry’s war record! The man went, served, was wounded and came home. As a private citizen, he had the right to speak and protest.
    Those attacking him, many who have never served, are using military service as a dividing tool.
    I want to know if anyone is upset as me that these pissant politicians are using OUR SERVICE for political gain?

  8. Jeff Dreger says:

    To B.J. Kath

    John Kerry went to Viet Nam and served. We ALL have the right to free speech, but he, more than some who hid behind political influence to get out of active duty service altogether, EARNED the right to speak his mind. I went to Viet Nam and while I was there realized the the United States was supporting a corrupt dictatorship meerly for political expediency and the ordinary people of Viet Nam could’t care less who was in power. Kerry just came back and reported what he saw and heard. I can’t speak to baby killing (and I’ve never heard Kerry make that accusation) but cutting off ears of the V.C. and NVA’s was an open secret, hell it wasn’t any kind of secret. Kerry went, fought and then spoke his peace. Remember, “I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”

  9. Emi says:

    I come from a family with a lot of veterans and active military members. I have nothing but respect for them and all the men and women who have fought so that we can all sit here at our computers. I think we need a leader who will take care of the millions who have taken care of us. I honestly feel Kerry can do this. I am tired of seeing veterans get abused and mistreated when all they have done is protect and serve. I love my country and I honor those who have fought for it, my question is this: Can Bush and his cronies honor them when the only fighting they have done is to fight to get out of going to Vietnam?

  10. veterans for peace-rio grande valle says:

    All concerned veterans should come out and hear what the speakers on the Veterans Caravan have to say since you have a variety of opinions amongst all these vets. America’s vets are awakening and realizing that wars are easy to start but hard to stop. I want to be proud of my flag. I dont want my flag represent racism and oppression. I want my flag to stand for compassion and tolerance. What would Jesus do if he was here on earth. I know he order me to love my enemies and live in a world of tolerance. Stop the War-Support our Troops-Bring our boys home-Alto a la guerra que regresen nuestros soldados.

  11. Gary Thomas says:

    ATTENTION ALL VETS: If you would like to participate in creating a video documentary on the Sept. 30th CARAVAN OF VETERANS FOR KERRY in Dallas, please contact me. This is a not-for-profit video (I’m paying all expenses out of my own pocket)to celebrate ALL veterans and hear their stories.

    So if you served during WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Desert Storm or the Iraqi Conflict and want to make a statement, then please contact me at m37@sbcglobal.net or garythomas891@hotmail.com or call me at (903) 624-1139.

    I am not apart of any news gathering outfit. I make independent documentaries, and am a volunteer with the Grayson County (Texas) Democratic HQ, out of Sherman, Texas.

    Your interview will only take 5 to 10 minutes.

    Please contact me ASAP if you are interested in being apart of this project.

    Gary Thomas

  12. Paul Jaehnert says:

    Letter to the Editor


    Wake up America! If you want four more years of George W. Bush (based on his previous four years), here’s what you can expect:

    Four more years of uncontrolled spending and trillion-dollar-plus deficits.
    Four more years of shifting the burden of taxation from multi-millionaires to lower income earners.
    Four more years of skyrocketing college tuition.
    Four more years of price-gouging by the pharmaceutical and health care industries.
    Four more years of raids on the treasury by Halliburton.
    Four more years of unprecedented tax cuts for multi-millionaires during time of war.
    Four more years of corporate tax loopholes, fraud and unbridled tax evasion.
    Four more years of increases in local taxes to make up for federal tax cuts and loss of federal services.
    Four more years of ignoring alternative sources of energy that would mitigate our dependence on oil.
    Four more years of uncontrolled ‘pork-barrel’ domestic spending, spending which formerly was deemed by Republicans as the exclusive domain of Democrats. With a Republican President and a Republican majority in Congress, how can this be?
    Four more years of the Administration’s ‘blessing’ on the exportation of hundreds of thousands of American jobs abroad.
    Four more years of no taxes for those companies exporting jobs to other countries.
    Four more years of failure to adequately secure our ports and borders against terrorists.
    Four more years of a stagnant stock market.
    Four more years of alienating most of our traditional allies, because of GWB’s ‘go it alone’ bravado.
    Four more years of GWB’s failure to “Leave no Child Behind”.
    Four more years for GWB to gain his objective of destroying Social Security and Medicare.
    Four more years of perpetual wars.
    Four more years of calling up the depleted National Guard to supplement our depleted regular armed forces. And, four more years of a deeply divided America.

    Paul G. Jaehnert
    808 Bur Oak Ct.
    Vadnais Hts, MN 55127

    phone: (651) 407-0754

  13. Paul Jaehnert says:

    Letter to the Editor


    Wake up America! If you want four more years of George W. Bush (based on his previous four years), here’s what you can expect:

    Four more years of uncontrolled spending and trillion-dollar-plus deficits.
    Four more years of shifting the burden of taxation from multi-millionaires to lower income earners.
    Four more years of skyrocketing college tuition.
    Four more years of price-gouging by the pharmaceutical and health care industries.
    Four more years of raids on the treasury by Halliburton.
    Four more years of unprecedented tax cuts for multi-millionaires during time of war.
    Four more years of corporate tax loopholes, fraud and unbridled tax evasion.
    Four more years of increases in local taxes to make up for federal tax cuts and loss of federal services.
    Four more years of ignoring alternative sources of energy that would mitigate our dependence on oil.
    Four more years of uncontrolled ‘pork-barrel’ domestic spending, spending which formerly was deemed by Republicans as the exclusive domain of Democrats. With a Republican President and a Republican majority in Congress, how can this be?
    Four more years of the Administration’s ‘blessing’ on the exportation of hundreds of thousands of American jobs abroad.
    Four more years of no taxes for those companies exporting jobs to other countries.
    Four more years of failure to adequately secure our ports and borders against terrorists.
    Four more years of a stagnant stock market.
    Four more years of alienating most of our traditional allies, because of GWB’s ‘go it alone’ bravado.
    Four more years of GWB’s failure to “Leave no Child Behind”.
    Four more years for GWB to gain his objective of destroying Social Security and Medicare.
    Four more years of perpetual wars.
    Four more years of calling up the depleted National Guard to supplement our depleted regular armed forces. And, four more years of a deeply divided America.

    Paul G. Jaehnert
    808 Bur Oak Ct.
    Vadnais Hts, MN 55127

    phone: (651) 407-0754

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