Daily Archives: July 29, 2024

July 2024 campaign finance reports – State offices

PREVIOUSLY: Senate and Congress For the first time in awhile that I can remember, there’s not really a state or statewide legislative race generating much interest in Harris County. The candidates and incumbents for the Court of Appeals benches have … Continue reading

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On rooftop solar

There are a couple of things to consider as you read this. Texas ranks third in the country in electricity generation from small-scale solar, including rooftop solar, trailing California and Arizona, according to the Energy Information Administration. (The federal office … Continue reading

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Third complaint over Ted Cruz’s podcast payments

Three strikes and…well, nothing really. They’re just complaints and even if they’re found to be meritorious we’re a long way away from anything happening. But since I’m following this story, I’ll keep on it. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, remains … Continue reading

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