Monthly Archives: September 2024

UT/Texas Policy Project: Trump 49, Harris 44

I have three things to say about this. A new, statewide poll of registered voters in Texas shows a slight uptick in support for Democrats following last month’s Democratic National Convention. The poll by the Texas Politics Project at the … Continue reading

Posted in Election 2024, The making of the President | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

“Trump Train” lawsuit goes to trial

Very big deal. It’s been four years since a campaign bus carrying Wendy Davis and others was nearly run off the road by a so-called “Trump Train” — a caravan of Republican activists waving giant flags showing support for Donald … Continue reading

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Amtrak gets federal grant for more high speed rail planning

Good. Amtrak has received a nearly $64 million grant to continue planning the Texas High-Speed Rail project after several years of stagnation due to the COVID pandemic. The project — which proposes a less than 90-minute high-speed rail route between … Continue reading

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Paxton sues Travis County over voter registration drive

He’s consistent, we’ll acknowledge that. Escalating a series of attacks on voter registration efforts around the state, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Friday sued Travis County officials for hiring a company to identify names and addresses of eligible, unregistered … Continue reading

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More felony charges against Hotze

Throw the damn book at him. Conservative activist Steven Hotze ha s been charged with two more felonies in connection to a bizarre 2020 confrontation that left an air conditioning repairman facing the barrel of a gun held by a … Continue reading

Posted in Crime and Punishment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The less-than-expected hurricane season (so far)

Sure hope this doesn’t jinx anything. Although the historical peak of the Atlantic hurricane season is around Sept. 10, based on data since the 1850s, storm experts are giving the next two weeks of tropical development a 60% chance of … Continue reading

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And then there were three Speaker challengers

I know nothing about this guy. Mansfield Republican David Cook said Tuesday he intends to run for Texas House Speaker, becoming the third person to challenge the chamber’s current leader, Beaumont Republican Dade Phelan. Cook, who has served two terms … Continue reading

Posted in That's our Lege | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Endorsement watch: Mayor Turner for CD18

The Chron is getting an early start on endorsements this year. Dabbing at his eyes, former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner recalled the final conversation he had with the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in an interview with KHOU11’s Len Cannon. … Continue reading

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Dispatches from Dallas, September 6 edition

This is a weekly feature produced by my friend Ginger. Let us know what you think. This week, in news from Dallas-Fort Worth, a DFW representative jumps into the House Speaker’s race; Tarrant County keeps making it less easy for … Continue reading

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Paxton sues Bexar County over voter registration drive

As promised/threatened. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday followed through on his threat to sue Bexar County over a new program that will mail out voter registration forms to unregistered voters. Bexar County commissioners approved the proposal on Tuesday … Continue reading

Posted in Legal matters | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Texas SCOPE Act partially blocked

One of the many Internet/social media-related laws passed in the last legislative session(s) has been partially put on hold by a federal judge. A handful of new laws went into effect Sunday, including the Securing Children Online Through Parental Empowerment … Continue reading

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Amanda Zurawski on the trail

I’m very glad that she’s doing this, and even more upset that she is in the position where she has to. Amanda Zurawski didn’t want to go into politics. She wanted a baby girl. Her name would have been Willow. … Continue reading

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Now trans Texans can’t get their birth certificates updated

This is getting uglier. The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) made an unannounced policy change Friday, modifying its requirements for Texans seeking to change the sex marker on their birth certificates. The DSHS website previously said the agency … Continue reading

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Paxton versus the State Fair

First there was this. The state and its third biggest city are set to square off in court over a ban on guns at Texas’ most celebrated tribute to itself — the State Fair. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced … Continue reading

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Paxton versus Bexar County

I’m sorry to make Ken Paxton the main character today, but he kind of is. Bexar County is moving forward with plans to hire an outside company to find and register potential voters ahead of the 2024 presidential election — … Continue reading

Posted in Election 2024 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Judge Hidalgo advocates for the Flood Control tax hike

I’ve got my eye on this. Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo in her State of the County address on Thursday made her first public push for a proposed tax hike that would create more funds for infrastructure maintenance. Hidalgo said … Continue reading

Posted in Election 2024, Local politics | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Can we get some help with these water repairs?

Can’t hurt to ask. Houston officials are seeking assistance from state lawmakers to help pay for some of the $4.93 billion in water utility improvements needed to prevent people from suffering widespread boil water notices and mass water loss, should … Continue reading

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Texas blog roundup for the week of September 2

The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes everyone had a good Labor Day as it brings you this week’s roundup.

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Water, water, everywhere

All due to leaks. Texas’ most populous cities lost roughly 88 billion gallons of water last year because of aging water infrastructure and extreme heat, costing them millions of dollars and straining the state’s water supply, according to self-reported water … Continue reading

Posted in The great state of Texas | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Weekend link dump for September 1

“The Must-Carry Solution for the Media’s Google Problem”. “The funniest component of the Trump campaign’s media strategy so far is its commitment to dipshit outreach.” You do have to wonder what Cheryl Hines is thinking these days. “Maybe that’s because … Continue reading

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Senate Dem Caucus requests feds to investigate voter suppression matters

There’s plenty of material to work with. A group of Democratic state lawmakers on Friday asked the U.S. Justice Department to investigate potential violations of federal law and civil and voting rights related to Texas state leaders’ recent voter roll … Continue reading

Posted in Election 2024 | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Shawn Thierry confirms our suspicions

Don’t let the door hit you, etc etc etc. State Rep. Shawn Thierry, a Houston Democrat who was defeated in her primary earlier this year, announced Friday she is switching to the Republican Party. Thierry was ousted by primary challenger … Continue reading

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Can we un-stack the Lottery odds?

Maybe. Not sure this goes far enough. After assisting investors who stacked the odds to guarantee winning a $95 million Lotto Texas jackpot last year, Texas Lottery Commission officials said they have changed their procedures to prevent another such occurrence … Continue reading

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