They started last night, and who knows when they may finish. If it comes to a vote, I expect this Trib story will be updated to reflect it. One of the justifications given by Republicans for banning all-night voting hours is that “nothing good happens after midnight”. In this one specific instance, I would agree.
If it doesn’t come to a vote, you can thank Democrats and their ability to wield the rulebook.
sb7 appears to be in trouble in the texas house, per house democratic source who says multiple fatal points of order have been identified : #txlege— quorumreport (@quorumreport) 9:15 PM – 29 May 2021
Here we go:
#Sb7 language now on the Texas House floor, Democrats immediately call points of order on the resolution that would allow for additional language that wasn’t in either the House or Senate versions of the bill #txlege— scottbraddock (@scottbraddock) 7:41 PM – 30 May 2021
I’m going to put this in a separate Tweet: House Democrats are not preparing to let #SB7 pass. That rumor is in error according to everything I know. The plan is to kill it tonight.— glennwsmith (@glennwsmith) 7:46 PM – 30 May 2021
Hoping for the best. We should know by the time we wake up. I’ll add an update when we do.
Meanwhile, there was another dose of poison in SB7 that I hadn’t mentioned before:
Despite no evidence of substantial voter fraud in Texas, Republicans are preparing to pass sweeping voting legislation with new provisions that make it easier to overturn an election in which fraudulent votes are suspected and to lower the standard for proving fraud in criminal court.
The burden of proof for voter fraud charges in Texas is “clear and convincing evidence.” The bill would change that standard to “preponderance of the evidence.”
A related measure would allow a judge to overturn an election if the total number of ballots found to be fraudulent exceeds the margin of victory. In such cases, a judge could “declare the election void without attempting to determine how individual voters voted.”
“If you don’t have to show that they would have made a difference, then even ‘illegal votes’ or ‘fraudulent votes’ for your side get factored into that equation,” said Tommy Buser-Clancy, staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas. “This is just a perpetuation of the Big Lie, and as we’ve seen throughout the nation, this is a further weakening of the institutional strength of our democracy.”
The new provisions are last-minute additions to Senate Bill 7, legislation that has drawn the ire of Democratic and civil rights groups that have called it voter suppression since its first draft. The final version of the bill hadn’t been posted online as of early Friday evening — and was not made available to the public — but the Houston Chronicle obtained a copy.
Nothing says “election integrity” like making it easier for the loser of an election to get a judge to throw out the result of that election.
And nothing is certain but death, taxes, and litigation over this abomination of a bill if it passes.
If the bill passes the state House of Representatives and is signed by Gov. Greg Abbott—both of which are expected—the Texas chapter of the NAACP will immediately file a lawsuit against it, chapter President Gary Bledsoe said at a news conference Sunday afternoon, the Dallas Morning News reports.
The bill would ban drive-through voting and 24-hour voting, both of which were used extensively last year in and around Houston, according to the New York Times. Among its many restrictions, the bill would limit voting by mail for people with a disability, add new ID requirements for mail-in voting, and make it a felony for election officials to send mail-in ballots to voters who did not request them. And it would set limits on early-voting hours, such as requiring polls to open at 1 p.m., not 9 a.m., on Sundays—which could impact popular “Souls to the Polls” held by many Black churches, the Morning News notes.
As it happens, early voting hours in Harris County were 1 PM to 6 PM for Sundays, at least before 2020. I imagine that was more out of tradition than anything else, and there may have been some issues with getting enough poll workers for the Sunday-morning-go-to-church hours, but that is a surmountable challenge and there’s no real reason beyond that. As Sen. Royce West noted during the debate over SB7, we can now buy booze on Sundays starting at 10 AM. Why can’t we vote earlier than 1 PM? (Spoiler alert: We all know the reason for that.)
Anyway. As I sign off, the status of SB7 in the House is unknown. Look for an update below if you didn’t stay up all night following the action live or on Twitter. Daily Kos has more.
UPDATE: Well, this was dramatic.
The sweeping overhaul of Texas elections and voter access was poised from the beginning of the session to pass into law. It had the backing of Republican leaders in both chambers of the Legislature. It had support from the governor.
Democrats who opposed the bill, chiding it as a naked attempt of voter suppression, were simply outnumbered.
But on Sunday night, with an hour left for the Legislature to give final approval to the bill, Democrats staged a walkout, preventing a vote on the legislation before a fatal deadline.
“Leave the chamber discreetly. Do not go to the gallery. Leave the building,” Grand Prairie state Rep. Chris Turner, the chair of the House Democratic Caucus, said in a text message to other Democrats obtained by The Texas Tribune.
Senate Bill 7, a Republican priority bill, is an expansive piece of legislation that would alter nearly the entire voting process. It would create new limitations to early voting hours, ratchet up voting-by-mail restrictions and curb local voting options like drive-thru voting.
Democrats had argued the bill would make it harder for people of color to vote in Texas. Republicans called the bill an “election integrity” measure — necessary to safeguard Texas elections from fraudulent votes, even though there is virtually no evidence of widespread fraud.
Debate on Senate Bill 7 had extended over several hours Sunday as the Texas House neared a midnight cutoff to give final approval to legislation before it could head to Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk to be signed into law.
In between their speeches opposing the bill, Democrats seemed to be trickling off the floor throughout the night, a number of their desks appearing empty. During an earlier vote to adopt a resolution allowing last-minute additions to the bill, just 35 of 67 Democrats appeared to cast votes. Around 10:30 p.m., the remaining Democrats were seen walking out of the chamber.
Their absence left the House without a quorum — which requires two-thirds of the 150 House members to be present — needed to take a vote.
By 11:15 p.m. about 30 Democrats could be seen arriving at a Baptist church about 2 miles away from the Capitol in East Austin.
The location for Democrats’ reunion appeared to be a nod at a last-minute addition to the expansive bill that set a new restriction on early voting hours on Sundays, limiting voting from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Over the last two days, Democrats had derided the addition — dropped in during behind-closed-door negotiations — raising concerns that change would hamper “souls to the polls” efforts meant to turn out voters, particularly Black voters, after church services.
Standing outside the church, Democrats said the walkout came only after it appeared Democrats’ plan to run out the clock on the House floor with speeches wasn’t going to work because Republicans had the votes to use a procedural move to cut off debate and force a final vote on the legislation.
“We saw that coming,” said state Rep. Nicole Collier, a Fort Worth Democrat and chair of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus. “We’ve used all the tools in our toolbox to fight this bill. And tonight we pulled out that last one.”
With about an hour left before the midnight deadline, House Speaker Dade Phelan acknowledged the lost quorum and adjourned until 10 a.m. Monday morning. Midnight was the cutoff for the House and Senate to sign off on the final versions of bills that have been negotiated during conference committees.
A couple of things to note here. One is that this is almost certainly a temporary victory. There’s going to be at least one special session already for redistricting, and so this will be on that session’s agenda or there will be another special session, possibly right away, just for this. We know that this is a top Republican priority and they are not going to just accept defeat, in the same way that they are not accepting Trump’s loss in 2020. They have the power to try again and they have the numbers to make it happen.
But the only reason the Republicans are in this position in the first place is because it took them so long to produce the final version of SB7. They had to suspend their own rules in the Senate to bring the bill to the floor for a vote there on Saturday because they were running out of time. The quorum break happened at 10:30 last night – I actually saw a tweet or two to that effect before I went to bed – which meant they were down to the last 90 minutes of available time. You wait till the last minute, things can happen, you know?
I had been wondering why this obvious priority of theirs had been seemingly stuck in conference committee for so long. Surely the Democratic amendments that had watered down some of the more stringent provisions that were later reinstated didn’t have enough supporters in the committee to make this difficult. My thinking was that the Republicans were sitting on this bill, which by now was as bad as the original SB7 that had begun to draw strong criticism from the business world, precisely because they wanted to sneak it through over the holiday weekend, when fewer people would be paying attention. It’s the explanation that makes the most sense to me, because they had to know that the Democrats would do everything they could to make them miss the deadline. Why risk that if you didn’t have to? They had full control over the schedule. Cover of darkness is the best explanation. And it deservedly blew up in their faces.
As noted, they’ll get their second shot at this. But now there’s time for everyone to pay attention again, and for the activists to get businesses and other organizations engaged. The Republicans will get their bill but the Democrats bought themselves some time, and gave their base a big feel-good moment. That’s a trade I’ll take.
Dems fled the chamber to avoid a vote. Somebody check the motels in Oklahoma, please. That’s where they were found the last time.
Snark aside, when you’re the party out of power, your options are somewhat limited, and avoiding a quorum is a time tested strategy. I remember when the two Harris County R’s fled to avoid raising taxes on Harris County residents. The strategy works.
I just wonder how long the special session will go on, because this pretty much guarantees there will be one.
Voter suppression is needed, since most people don’t understand The Science. Now, the voter suppression wants to outlaw drive through voting. IF you believe the Science, that cars are causing an existential threat, with their exhaust, then why do you want cars sitting around idling at the polling station, destroying the planet? As we now see, the sun is in a solar minimum, and this year has been cooler than past years. That big giant object in the sky has a lot of control over our climate.
The entire climate change story is based on arbitrary numbers. Just like Covid numbers. Why is 5% positivity rate a metric? Just arbitrary, people. Why is 1.7 degrees Farenheit a critical climate crisis number? Again, arbitrary.
Two questions: Why should people so easily duped into believing that it’s “the Science” be allowed to vote? And, why do we want drive through voting if driving is killing the planet, according to scientists like Greta Thunberg?
“The final version of the bill grew well beyond what the House and Senate originally passed into a wide-ranging 67-page bill with many additions that were only revealed to the full House and Senate on Saturday.” (Trib.)
From a procedural and fairness standpoint alone, it is shameful that the Lege Republicans would try to rush this through in the middle of the night, with less than 24 hours for anyone but themselves to even read through and form an opinion about the 200+ page conference committee version and the modifications made outside of public view and scrutiny.
One of the most inane wee-hour argument by the bill sponsor: We must amend the Election Code to prohibit drive-through voting because the Election Code doesn’t allow drive-through voting.
Duh! – You guys are not common-law ultra-vires judges and retrospective diviners of legislative intent. You get to write & re-write the Election Code.
Why shouldn’t there be drive-through voting as a matter of public policy? Now that the pilot projects have proven successful, and voter response to this logistic ballot-casting alternative has been favorable as reflected by incidence of utilization and survey responses?
Jason, back here to make Bill look slightly less looney. Maybe Jason’s a sock puppet.
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