Judge Hidalgo will run again in 2026

In case you were wondering.

Judge Lina Hidalgo

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said Thursday she plans to seek a third term in office in 2026.

Hidalgo told the Chronicle during a live virtual event that she is “really excited” to run for reelection. The county executive, who took a leave of absence last year for treatment of depression, said if she can tackle her mental health challenges, she can tackle another campaign cycle.

“Now, I feel I can do anything,” she said.

Hidalgo also said she still has work to do – work that has been interrupted by a series of disasters Harris County has faced since she took office.

“There’s some big things I want to get done, particularly on the flooding piece,” she said.

The judge’s comments come amid political speculation that she may have sought a statewide position or an appointment in the federal government if President Joe Biden wins reelection in November.

There has certainly been speculation about various other possibilities for Judge Hidalgo, and there is now the confirmed possibility of a contentious primary fight with former Mayor Annise Parker. All I can say for now is that I prefer to take my elections one at a time. Right now, I’m concentrating on the HCAD runoffs, and after that my full attention will be on this November. After that, when people start filing paperwork and raising money, I’ll start thinking about 2026. Until then, lots of things can happen. Right now, it’s all hot stove league stuff. That has its place, just keep some perspective about it.

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