Texas blog roundup for the week of July 1

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone’s dogs a safe and quiet Fourth as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff looks at the state of abortion in Texas two years after Dobbs, and notes that the EMTALA decision was not a victory.

In two separate criminal justice issues, Socratic Gadfly first talks about the release of Julian Assange, and then looks at PRO Gainesville throwing a Hail Mary to the Supreme Court, and the ACLU role in that.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said be certain to know how to contact friends & allies in a political crisis. You won’t be able to rely on big social media platforms.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The Houston Press profiles new Sen. Molly Cook.

The Observer talks to energy expert Doug Lewin about how the grid is likely to do this summer.

Frank Strong looks at how the discourse over library books has curdled.

Law Dork warns of our imperial SCOTUS.

The Dallas Observer previews what you’ll be eating at the State Fair this fall.

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