Texas blog roundup for the week of July 8

The thoughts and prayers of the Texas Progressive Alliance are with everyone in the path of Hurricane Beryl as we bring you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff looks to Amarillo and its forthcoming vote on an abortion “travel ban”.

Looking at a burning national political issue,SocraticGadfly first notes that the Philadelphia Inquirer blew it with its one-party presidential withdrawal editorial, then turned a gimlet eye on DC media insiders pointing fingers at each other over not reporting more, earlier, about Biden’s health, then finished by noting that dueling insider leaks of “he’s stepping down / no he’s not”were reminiscent of Noam Chomsky being dead/not, two weeks earlier, as new manifestations of Schrödinger’s Cat.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Blue Heron Farm will no longer be shopping at Tractor Supply.

Steve Vladeck notes that Chief Justice John Roberts has taken a sharp turn to the right.

Frank Strong recaps a month of not-bad school board activity.

Reform Austin inquires about shark attacks.

Finally, the TPA mourns the death of former Texas blogger Jack Cluth, who got his start down in Seabrook and remained true to his voice to the end.

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