July 2024 campaign finance reports – Harris County offices

Senate and Congress
State offices

Lina Hidalgo

Rodney Ellis
Adrian Garcia
Tom Ramsey
Leslie Briones

Sean Teare
Dan Simons

Ed Gonzalez
Mike Knox

Christian Menefee
Jacqueline Lucci Smith

Annette Ramirez
Steve Radack

Teneshia Hudspeth
Carla Wyatt
Marilyn Burgess

Candidate     Raised       Spent       Loan     On Hand
Hidalgo      187,400     191,623     51,400      66,750

Ellis        807,040     425,843          0   6,239,978
Garcia       812,725     400,197          0   1,487,554
Ramsey       558,834     398,175          0   1,537,435
Briones      398,260     342,025          0   1,539,261

Teare        420,399     270,175          0     154,034
Simons       136,734      53,464     45,000      98,359

Gonzalez      80,809      81,993          0      51,586
Knox          37,896      24,425    100,000      64,434

Menefee       34,864      66,829          0     262,294
Smith         11,325      14,369     20,000           0    

Ramirez       18,457      29,539          0       3,719
Radack             0      49,220          0     715,239

Hudspeth       6,200       8,686          0      14,342
Wyatt            290           0          0       3,698
Burgess       27,714      14,515      5,207      26,747

The July 2023 reports for Harris County are here and the January 2024 reports are here. Everyone who was on the ballot in March filed 30-day and 8-day reports for that period; Annette Ramirez, who was in the May runoff also filed reports for then. Any weirdness in comparing the January reports to this is almost certainly explained by that. It also means that the length of the period in which money was raised and spent varies with who the filer was.

My first reaction in looking at Judge Hidalgo’s report and totals is “Huh”. Put aside for now the question of whether she’ll face a prominent opponent in the 2026 primary, I’d like to know why for two periods in a row she’s spent more than she’s taken in. That’s not sustainable. I’ll just leave it at that.

The Commissioners are all around where I’d have guessed them to be. I expect they will all be involved in November campaign activities. Neither Rodney Ellis nor Tom Ramsey has any reason to worry about their own races, but they (and Adrian Garcia, and Leslie Briones) have plenty of things to do with other candidates and campaigns.

Sean Teare and the DA race were the big dollar tickets before, and they remain so now, though likely with less spending until we get into the fall. For what it’s worth, Kim Ogg had raised $58K, spent $342K, and had $12K on hand as of the end of June.

Beyond that, not much to say. Christian Menefee spent down his treasury a bit but still has plenty in reserve. Ed Gonzalez currently has less on hand than Mike Knox, but the amounts are small enough to not really matter. There’s usually not much spent on the Tax Assessor’s race; Stave Radack’s longstanding cash total could change that, but it’s not worth thinking about right now.

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