Weekend link dump for July 28

“Polling shows that two-thirds of Americans support term limits for Supreme Court justices. The same goes for judicial ethics reforms. The commissioners pointed out, as we all know, that “the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court are the only members of the federal judiciary who are not covered by a code of conduct.” Most sane businesses are covered by a code of conduct! Judges and justices across the world are constrained by ethics rules that would preclude them from accepting millions of dollars in donor gifts, failing to disclose them, then lying about it. But not our highest court in the land.”

“Since watching that video last week, I’ve taken to trash-talking Perseus-Pisces as our rival supercluster.”

“But Giuliani lacked the organizational skills, not to mention the cash, to execute such a maneuver. At this point, he’ll be lucky to escape from bankruptcy without getting sanctioned.”

“‘Goldmine’ collection of wheat from 100 years ago may help feed the world“.

“Throughout those proceedings, Plaquemines Parish leaders had a paid ally on their side: the judge’s husband, U.S. Sen.-turned-lobbyist David Vitter.” You remember ol’ Dave, right?

“I’ve heard talking heads and the Twitterati and many fellow Democrats comment that one reason the Dem debate is so damaging is that we appear fractured and fractious and that the GOP is united in support of their candidate. There seems to be a little cult of personality envy out there folks and if you have ever felt a twinge of it, I urge you to take a cold shower and get over it.”

It’s Nick Castellanos’ world. We are just living in it.

Please leave Chappell Roan alone.

“The point is that beneath this seeming appetite to let politics run its course in all its ferality is something quite different: It’s a kind of disdain for actual voters and how actual politics works – not always pretty, mixed with peoples overweening ambitions, their intense loves and fears, and all the rest.”

RIP, Bernice Johnson Reagon, original member of the Freedom Singers and founder of the women’s a cappella group Sweet Honey in the Rock.

“If Billy Graham would have been born in 1975 instead of 1918, I don’t think he would have been as successful, because he hit his peak right as the baby boom was taking off and America was really hungry for religion.”

“The results of the biggest study on guaranteed income programs are finally in”.

“Suddenly Trump Looks Older and More Deranged”.

Excellent news. The Internet is slightly less rancid now.

RIP, Felix Fraga, longtime community activist and former Houston City Council member.

RIP, Abdul “Duke” Fakir, co-founder and last surviving member of the Four Tops.

“The Federal Trade Commission is launching an investigation into so-called surveillance pricing, seeking more information about how artificial intelligence is used to change pricing rapidly based on data about customer behavior and characteristics.”

RIP, Gene Peterson, longtime radio voice of the Houston Rockets. What a pleasure he was to listen to.

“Conservatives sometimes say confusing things. I’m here to help with a short, and sadly incomplete, primer on conserva-speak.”

I didn’t have People magazine delivering more incisive Presidential race reporting than some of the national dailies on my 2024 bingo card, but here we are.

And speaking of things none of us had on the bingo card: “The Canadian women’s soccer team assistant coach and an analyst have been kicked out of the Olympic squad after Team New Zealand said it had its training session disrupted by a drone flown by a staff member of its Group A opponents, the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) said Wednesday.”

“Southwest Airlines is shifting to assigned seats for the first time in its history, a change that will allow the low-fare carrier to charge a premium for some of the seats on its planes.”

“How it is going for JD Vance in one screenshot”.

RIP, John Mayall, singer and guitarist known as the “Godfather of British blues”.

“This rapid about-face is more than just a change of heart; it’s a textbook example of the intellectual dishonesty that plagues much of our political commentary.”

“We will neither cease nor desist.”

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One Response to Weekend link dump for July 28

  1. J says:

    It is good that the FTC is looking at surveillance pricing. I hope they are aware of all the corporate price gouging going on, masked by false claims of inflation. Makes me especially angry when it is food-


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