President Biden drops out of 2024 race

I think we all were expecting this to happen at some point. It was still quite the jolt to see the first breaking news alert on a Sunday afternoon. Lots of people had their weekends cut short. One of my first reactions was a generalized plea to the universe to live in a slightly less consequential time. I don’t think I’m going to get that wish.

Anyway. You can read all you want about this elsewhere. I join President Biden in endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor on the ballot, and hopefully for the next four years. If we’re going to do this, let’s get it done.

And because I’m sure you’re wondering about this:

The Texas election code states that the Texas Secretary of State can certify a political party’s replacement nominee for president or vice president if the original nominee withdraws, dies or is declared ineligible by the 74th day before the presidential election day, which is Aug. 23 this year, if the party’s state chair submits the replacement nominee no later than 5 p.m. of the 71st day before the election day, which is Aug. 26.

This means if Biden drops out of the presidential race against Donald Trump, the Democratic Party could select a new nominee during its national convention Aug. 19-22 just in time for the nominee to appear on the Texas ballot.

A timely article, that one. I’m happy to be part of the process to pick a nominee in CD18, but that’s way above my pay grade. Let’s get this done and get back to focusing on the main issue, which is beating that other guy. We all have our work to do to make that happen.

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11 Responses to President Biden drops out of 2024 race

  1. Flypusher says:

    It is very possible that Biden suffered some sort of medical issue between the state of the union speech and the debate. Aging is variable and unpredictable and when you are 81 there are no guarantees. If that is the reason, then dropping out was the right call. But I have nothing but anger and contempt for the pundits and press who put Biden through the wringer while failing to give equal coverage to all the signs that Trump is undergoing cognitive decline.

  2. Ross says:

    Why Harris? If it’s because “it’s time for a woman of color”, then no. Harris should have to compete for the nomination, tell us why she should be the choice and why she could beat Trump, and not just be given the nomination. What are her policy positions? What is she going to do as president to make everyone’s live better? There are millions like me who voted for Biden because he’s not Trump. If the Democrats want our votes, we need more than “trust us”.

  3. Ken says:

    He dropped out because his billionaire donors did not like the idea of raising taxes on them, so they kicked him out. The donor class doesn’t like being told what to do.

  4. Souperman says:

    Joe Biden was never the nominee for the 2024 election, as the nominee is chosen at the convention, so none of the caveats about a “replacement nominee” are necessary.

    Kamala Harris was elected on a national ticket and has been vetted more than any other reasonable candidate, and yes, if we had a full primary season, would need to go through the full process. But we don’t have that time or the time to unite after a contentious convention. She has between now and the convention to make her case (and nobody else is being stopped from making their cases), and if it doesn’t land, then they figure out someone else. I realize that the Democratic Party is really a coalition of four parties in a trench coat, but if we could avoid tearing each other apart, it would make November a lot easier.

  5. mollusk says:

    With the timing we have, endorsing (not naming) the Veep as the replacement is the natural next move, and wouldn’t be so controversial if this Veep were a white guy.

    I prefer to live in the 21st Century. As our host points out, Kamala’s already been vetted from here to Sunday and now has 3-1/2 years at the ready to suddenly be president. That 3-1/2 years also has the benefit of presiding over the Senate and thus getting some legislative experience that she previously lacked.

    Yes, we’re Dems and could argue about whether the wall is ecru or ivory. But as a commenter on another site put it, I’d vote for a mid level refrigerator before the other guy.

  6. Meme says:

    Like being back in the 50s, if I could survive and prosper, so can the young of today. Heck white guys will get a leg up, I will assume that all the comments above were written by white privilege guys.

    Two women on the ticket would be awesome.

    I have already discussed moving to another country if America becomes intolerable. Undocumented, Transgender, Gay (Especially same-sex marriages), and Blacks would be the first to go after, so it could be years before they come after old Chicano Americans like me.

    I guess Kuff does go national now and then?

  7. David Fagan says:

    Is this the time for Democrats to challenge the delegate process again?

  8. Meme says:

    I was thinking of setting this election in November, content to sit and watch this country being destroyed by all the stupid people who voted for Trump.

    But I thought of the orange buffoon losing to a woman who just happens to be Indian, Black, and married to a Jewish person, and the joy of the two-time loser having to live with that.

    Ross, are you anti-woman? I recall you being very anti-Hillory.

  9. Meme says:

    sitting this election out

  10. SocraticGadfly says:

    NO, Flypaper, JoePa resigned only because enough people beat him over the head with the writing on the wall. DementiaJoe? Julian Castro mentioned that way back in 2019 and got laughed at then. Kamala is a Cop? Already retreating on alleged earlier effort to push Biden “left” on pro-Palestine protestors, including the ones arrested and kettled here in Texas that Kuff has never written about.

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