Two small updates on the CD18 race

From this Trib overview of the five candidates “with extensive elected experience” in the CD18 race:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

Since the candidate selection is internal within the party, there is no formal filing process for candidates and precinct chairs could theoretically choose anyone. Of the 15 Democrats who have been in touch with the county party, five run with extensive elected experience: former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, former Houston City Council member Amanda Edwards — who faced off against Jackson Lee in the primary, state Rep. Jarvis Johnson, state Rep. Christina Morales and Houston City Council member Letitia Plummer. Former Houston City Council Member Dwight Boykins, who put his name in the ring on Friday, said Monday that he dropped out of the race after Jackson Lee’s family endorsed Turner.

The election is separate from the special election on the same day for a representative to serve out the rest of Jackson Lee’s current term, which ends on Jan. 3, 2025. Candidates have until Aug. 22 to run in the special election.


In his bid to succeed Jackson Lee, Turner is highlighting his relationship with her, promising to continue fighting for some of her biggest priorities, including securing federal funds for Houston. Jackson Lee brought in millions of federal dollars throughout her time in Congress for Houston flood control, health care and public safety. Turner also supports legislation to protect women from domestic violence, codify access to abortion federally, protect LGBTQ rights and enhance transparency in policing.

But Turner, who opted not to challenge his old friend in the Democratic primary, is also the oldest major candidate at 69 years old and said he would serve a maximum of two terms if elected — a fact others seeking the nomination said would limit his ability to build seniority in the hierarchical Congress.

The endorsement of Turner came out after my weekend update, so this is my first chance to acknowledge that former CM Boykins has withdrawn from consideration. It’s possible others could do the same – Turner’s overall list of endorsements from elected officials is pretty fearsome – but so far this is what we have. There are multiple other candidates of lesser visibility, though the question of whether they can get a precinct chair to nominate them and another chair to second the nomination may render that moot.

As for Mayor Turner’s two-term pledge, he mentioned that he intended to only serve for a limited duration when he spoke to me about his candidacy. (Reminder, I’m a precinct chair, I’ve heard from all of the named candidates, they’re surely trying to reach all 90 or so of us.) He didn’t give an exact number to me, but I assumed he meant something like two or three terms. Now I know which it is. It’s a reasonable approach and I appreciate the thought. One could argue that it would be better for the next member of Congress in CD18 to start accruing seniority right way. I’ll leave it at that.

One last thought, as this has been brought up in the comments, is that we could get a runoff in the CD18 special election, which would mean that the eventual winner would have even less time to serve in Congress; it would also mean more expenses for Harris County and the County Clerk, who I’m sure is mainlining Advil at the thought of yet another goddam election this year. Maybe we’ll get at most two candidates. Maybe one candidate will have the name ID to win outright regardless. Maybe the runnerup will do us all a favor and bow out of the runoff. I can’t wrap my head around it right now. Just know that it’s a possibility.

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