Weekend link dump for August 25

What would John Scalzi do? He would tell you not to idolize anyone.

“All of this shows that Trump hasn’t paid attention to what the anti-abortion movement says or demands. That’s because he doesn’t have to. He assumes—correctly, it seems—that voters opposed to abortion will pull the lever for him no matter what. And he understands that if he has a second term, he will not need to understand the ins and outs of abortion policy because he can just give that job to those who do.”

“This disparity between preelection intent and actual voting behavior illuminates the challenge that polls have struggled with in recent elections: Black nonvoters may be answering surveys in ways that suggest they’re open to abandoning the Democratic nominee. The fact that these individuals ultimately do not vote – or ultimately do support the Democratic candidate – can produce misleading preelection vote share estimates.”

RIP, Phil Donohue, iconic talk show host.

“The majority of people who are arrested for misdemeanors should be offered means-tested, pretrial diversion programs that do not compel defendants to plead guilty, so that they can exit the criminal justice system without a criminal conviction and without debt. Once the charges are dropped, evidence of these arrests should be automatically sealed from public view, at no cost to the defendant.”

I’m not sure this is a good idea.

“George Santos Pleads Guilty To Federal Charges”.

RIP, Tatcho Mindiola, veteran of the 1970s Chicano Movement who went on to create the very successful Mexican American Studies college programs at the University of Houston.

“While laws on using generative artificial intelligence in political campaigns remain somewhat piecemeal, Swift could take action against her likeness being used by Trump. Tennessee, where Taylor Swift is headquartered, recently passed a bill protecting the property rights of artists’ name, likeness and voice, as reported by 404 Media. Swift could also pursue action under defamation laws.”

Fine by me if MLB is blackballing Trevor Bauer. He deserves it.

“The 2024 Olympics were a big win for TV of all kinds”.

Love is dead.

“The Democratic Wife Guys don’t just think their wives are beautiful or great mothers; they admire their intelligence, and they support their ambition. And perhaps most importantly, they are willing to make personal sacrifices for their wives’ aspirations, something particularly true of Emhoff.”

Really wishing Kate Cox and her family all the best.

RIP, Al Attles, basketball Hall of Famer who coached the Golden State Warriors to their first NBA title in 1975.

“Chick-Fil-A Hatches Plans For Streaming Service As Reality TV Comes Home To Roost”.

“If pro-family only means that you oppose abortion, then that’s a single issue. We vote on so many pro-family issues. It’s not just one issue.”

The Pommel Horse Guy will be dancing with the stars next month.

Remember the story of the Bhutan Baseball and Softball Association, which I mentioned in February? Well, a dozen players from Bhutan, six young men and six young women, got to take a trip to New York where they visited the Hudson Valley Renegades, High-A affiliate of the New York Yankees. The next day, they got a trip to Yankee Stadium. Pretty damn cool.

“If Trump and his toadies are now complaining that Harris is treating him like the incumbent it is because in ways vast and small he has acted like one and demanded to be treated like one for almost four years. She’s taken his most perverse and vainglorious conceit and turned it into a massive liability.”

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4 Responses to Weekend link dump for August 25

  1. Gary Bennett says:

    I wonder if some of the observations about black voters might also prove true about Latino voters, at least in Texas. Nothing like change from having a black candidate on the ballot in 2012 to not having one in 2020; but the state Republican Party has moved from dishing out broken sentences in Spanish (under George W Bush) to extolling the murder of innocents with the wrong skin color at the border today. Yes, it’s being packaged as “repelling an invasion,” but it has to feel different if the murdered look like and speak like yourself — yet we are supposed to believe that the state’s Hispanics are massively converting to Trumpery.

  2. Meme says:

    Gary, what does a Latino look like or speak like? They look like Americans, there are black latinos, white latinos, Asian latinos, the one thing they may have in common is a Spanish surname.

    Cruz has a corrido running on Spanish tv.


    That is mostly Mexican latinos as the corrido is a northern Mexican type song.

  3. J says:

    No one seems to be mentioning that there are deeply conservative religious leaders within the black and hispanic communities. There is certainly a group of vehemently conservative Black pastors that were part of the coalition that defeated the HERO amendment and tried to reelect Thierry.

  4. J says:

    To point out the deep insanity of Black pastors and Catholic priests supporting conservatives, these are the people they are siding with- (note, don’t
    view this link during a meal)


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