Dispatches from Dallas, August 31 edition

This is a weekly feature produced by my friend Ginger. Let us know what you think.

This week, in recent news from Dallas-Fort Worth, we have election news, including the state of the Dallas charter amendments; voter registration news, including Crystal Mason and that Fox report about illegal aliens in Tarrant County registering; what’s up with area school districts; the latest Tim O’Hare shenanigans, including the ones with implications for FWISD; everybody who’s quitting their academic and civic posts this summer; updates on the local environment; the DMN on Y’all Street; some local history; and new food at Cowboys games plus the State Fair food winners. And more!

This week’s post was brought to you by the music of Howard Jones and ABC, whom we saw last week in Oklahoma City.

The last two weeks have seen a lot of news about the election, mostly focusing on the Democratic National Convention and its fallout on the presidential race. There have also been some developments in North Texas elections that you may not have heard so much about.

Here in Dallas we continue to wrangle with the charter amendments, particularly the three sponsored by Dallas HERO. Dallas HERO and its supporters are now suing the city and most of the council over the ballot language for the amendment suite and the city’s counter-proposals. (DMN) One of the citizen plaintiffs is a paralegal working for one of the businesses belonging local troublemaker Monty Bennett, the money man behind Dallas HERO. D Magazine has an overview of the whole thing. Meanwhile, the Dallas Observer had a piece last week about how Dallas is already having trouble hiring more police. One of the amendments requires the city to hire between 900 and 1000 officers; the current goal is to hire something like 250 in the near term.

To hire that many officers, to fund their pensions (already an issue) and to support them materially, the city would have to give up a lot of other things it’s currently doing. That’s before we get to the demand that half of additional revenue over what we have currently budgeted would go to the police. We have a goal to cut unsheltered homelessness in half by 2026 that would have to go. The Dallas library has already lost its online access to newspapers; the advice is to get a card at the Houston library. Budget cuts may already force the closure of some neighborhood libraries. If you’ve been reading this column regularly or following Dallas politics in other ways, you know we’re past our fat years of COVID money from the federal government and into our lean years. Dallas HERO is going to direct most of what we get to Dallas PD if their amendments pass. It will absolutely wreck our city budget until we have a chance to undo it in the next charter update ten years from now.

We all know the answer: vote against these jackasses. And vote against anything that involves Dallas HERO or Monty Bennett, who doesn’t even live in Dallas but wants to tell us how to run our city.

In other news, starting with elections:

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