Texas blog roundup for the week of September 9

The Texas Progressive Alliance is definitely ready for some football as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff examines Ken Paxton’s lawsuits against Bexar and Travis counties for attempting to register voters.

SocraticGadfly provided the latest information in a hedge fund’s attempt to take control of Southwest.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project made a fundraising pitch for the Houston Democracy Project. We can’t defend democracy on free labor.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The Barbed Wire lists five ways that Texas Republicans have made it harder for college students to vote.

The Texas Signal finds something off about Ted Cruz’s Spanish language ads.

Reform Austin investigates whether delaying the start of the school year could help the electric grid.

The Fort Worth Report brings the story of John Thomas, a Black janitor who is now being memorialized at the church where he had not been allowed to worship.

Finally, the TPA bids farewell and happy trails to Dos Centavos as he takes his talents to Colorado.

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