Interview with Sylvester Turner

Sylvester Turner

I’m sure that by now you are well familiar with the story of CD18 after the passing of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in July. As such, you know that former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner is now the Democratic nominee for CD18, having been selected by the precinct chairs in August. Turner served two terms as Mayor, ending this past January, and before that was a State Representative for 27 years in HD139. He’s also an attorney and was set to be a lecturer in public policy at Harvard before the seat became open. We had plenty of ground to cover, and here it is:


Erica Lee Carter, CD18 special election

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3 Responses to Interview with Sylvester Turner

  1. David Fagan says:

    Sylvester Turner,

    You are a lying sack of crap, I remember shaking your hand and thinking you were there to help me. You lied, lied, lied, and you have responsibilities about the financial situation of this city that were solely yours and you used the judicial system to snake your way out if them. This history will not change and “a good name is preferred over great riches” and your name is reaping the rewards if your actions, which were nothing but a facade and a lie.

  2. Meme says:

    I think you are carrying a grudge, David.

    Oddly, you say money is not that important, as that seems to be the reason you have so much hate toward Turner.

    He will be remembered as a better mayor than the present one.

  3. C.L. says:

    re: “…responsibilities about the financial situation of this city that were solely yours and you used the judicial system to snake your way out if them.”

    Used the judicial system ? You’re condeming some behavior that has been used by every elected official in this country for…forever.

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