Texas blog roundup for the week of September 16

The Texas Progressive Alliance is still catching up on all the cat memes as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff interviewed Erica Lee Carter and Sylvester Turner for the CD18 special and general elections.

SocraticGadfly offered his latest update in the Southwest Airlines situation, as another shoe at least partially dropped in what seems to be a semi-cave-in by the airline to Elliott Investment Management.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project has begun a series of daily Democracy Notes on the Project Blog. Please read & share word of the Project with others.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Reform Austin interviewed abortion rights champion Amanda Zurawski.

The Texas Observer profiles the Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance.

Law Dork points out the obvious differences in abortion policy between the Presidential candidates.

El Paso Matters looks at what life in that city is like after four years of COVID.

Deece Eckstein ponders some lessons from the debate.

Paradise in Hell triumphantly returns with Red’s 2024 NFL preseason picks.

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