Interview with Lindsay London of the Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance

I have written a couple of times about the Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance, which was formed earlier this year to fight the so-called “Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn” proposition that is on the city of Amarillo’s ballot this November, after its zealots failed to get it approved by City Council. This is one of the unfortunately too many abortion travel bans that have been passed in various Texas and now New Mexico towns, for the purpose of making people who might seek an abortion trapped and unsafe, as well as anyone who might help them. It’s based on SB8, the vigilante bounty hunter law as well as a belief in the Comstock Act, and ought to be easily declared unconstitutional, though one never knows in Sam Alito’s America. The best way to solve a problem like that is to prevent it from becoming one in the first place, which is ARFA’s mission. I’ve wanted to talk to them ever since I learned of their existence. Now you can listen to my conversation with one of ARFA’s co-founders, and then go click on their link and give them a hand.


Erica Lee Carter, CD18 special election
Sylvester Turner, CD18 general election

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