Texas blog roundup for the week of September 23

The Texas Progressive Alliance stands with the people of Springfield, Ohio (who among other things deserve to have a Senator that actually represents them) as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff published an interview with a co-founder of the Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance, to discuss their fight against an abortion travel ban in that city.

SocraticGadlfy had fun trolling Mark Robinson (and selected bycatch) on Twitter.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said it’s important for active rank & file Democrats doing the work to sustain the party, to consider that the elected officials they are backing often have different objectives than they do.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance folks had a guest post on Jessica Valente’s Substack about their fight.

The Texas Observer has a deep dive into Ken and Angela Paxton’s “ties to a jet-setting lobbyist-turned-CEO caught in a tangled web of alleged fraud involving a powerful business clan and a commercial shipping giant”.

The Dallas Observer talks to some of the men in Texas who are speaking out about the need for reproductive freedom.

City of Yes debunks some myths about Austin.

The Barbed Wire covers the groundswell of protest against the pending execution of Robert Roberson.

The Current ponders the future of a San Antonio architectural icon.

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