Cards Against Humanity against Elon Musk

We live in such strange times.

The game company Cards Against Humanity is suing Elon Musk’s SpaceX for $15 million, accusing the corporation that launches rockets from Texas of illegally trespassing on South Texas land and destroying property.

The lawsuit, filed in Cameron County, was posted on a website the company is using to call attention to the civil battle. The suit claims that SpaceX has used Cards Against Humanity’s once “pristine” property filled with wild grass and cacti and changed the entire dynamic of the area by using the land as a construction staging site. SpaceX acquired vacant lots along the same road as the property and has constructed buildings around the area. According to pictures included in the lawsuit, the property now looks like an unfinished worksite filled with machinery and piles of materials.

In 2017, Cards Against Humanity created a crowd-funding campaign, called CAH Saves America, to buy land that would block the construction of a border barrier former President Donald Trump vowed to build along Texas’ boundary with Mexico. As a part of the campaign,150,000 people paid $15 each to protect a piece of land along the U.S.-Mexico border and three miles away from SpaceX’s launch facility. Cards against Humanity now owns the property.

If Cards Against Humanity wins the lawsuit, it said it they will equally split the lawsuit’s net proceeds among all 150,000 of the contributors, up to $100 each.

“150,000 people gave us their hard-earned money, and in exchange we vowed to protect this land from racist billionaires and their dumb vanity projects,” the company said on their website devoted to the lawsuit.

As the story notes, and as we have seen elsewhere, plenty of people have expressed concerns with how Elon Musk and SpaceX do their business. I would not have guessed to include Cards Against Humanity in that group, but as noted we live in strange times. I wish them well and look forward to seeing what the courts make of this. Texas Public Radio and the Chron have more.

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2 Responses to Cards Against Humanity against Elon Musk

  1. Meme says:

    His rockets spew more pollution than all his EVs save. I don’t understand why any person who cares about this country would buy a Tesla. If you love Musk, buy a ticket to Mars. According to the wizard from Afrika, it is coming in four years.

  2. Jason Hochman says:

    It is so funny that the maker of the biggest EV in the world is a racist planet destroyer. As John Lennon said, “strange days indeed.”

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