October 2024 campaign finance reports – Senate and Congress

We’re about to get into early voting, so you don’t need much of a preamble here. Just one final check-in on the finance reports for our Senatorial and Congressional candidates. The July 2024 reports for both are here, the April 2024 reports are here. The January reports for Senate are here, the October 2023 reports are here, the July 2023 reports here, and the April 2023 reports are here. The January reports for Congress are here, and the October 2023 reports are here. The earlier reports had both Senate and Congress, as the fields were small enough then to do them together.

Colin Allred – Senate

Sandeep Srivastava – CD03
John Love – CD06
Michelle Vallejo – CD15
Sheila Jackson Lee – CD18
Sylvester Turner – CD18
Erica Lee Carter – CD18
Kristin Hook – CD21
Sam Eppler – CD24
Melissa McDonough – CD38

Dist  Name             Raised      Spent    Loans    On Hand
Sen   Allred       68,751,658 65,430,438        0  3,321,220

03    Srivastava      381,945    358,348  593,233     27,189
06    Love            121,061    111,798        0      9,915
15    Vallejo       1,968,008  1,795,092  100,000    184,633
18    Jackson Lee     552,256    903,443    4,896     17,722
18    Turner          170,501     86,341        0     84,159
18    Lee Carter       20,658        861    3,125     19,796
21    Hook            458,377    162,150      747    296,227
24    Eppler          921,564    832,077        0     89,486
38    McDonough       180,382    156,545  111,398     25,617

We’re well aware of Colin Allred’s fundraising prowess. I want to point out here that over the course of Q3, he spent about $38 million, which is a lot more than he had previously spent (about $27 million) in the entire cycle to that point. This is why you’re seeing so many Allred ads on the TV. I see a lot of Ted Cruz ads as well, but I’d say the mix is about 60-40 for Allred. It’s a lot for us, but imagine what it must be like in a swing state. Aye yi yi.

I’ve added in the reports for Sylvester Turner and Erica Lee Carter for CD18 just so we’d have a picture of them. Sheila Jackson Lee’s numbers didn’t change much since Q2 – at this point, whatever cash her account still has will get disbursed and that will be that. She didn’t die with a ton of money on hand, so there won’t be a drawn out process to deal with it.

Kudos to Sam Eppler for raising a million bucks (he should cross that threshold this month) and Kristin Hook for half a million, all more or less without much fanfare. As noted before, CD24 isn’t that far out from being a swing district – Eppler could make a case for it being on the long-range radar for the next couple of cycles. Hook has a longer way to go, but she’s put up a strong fight. Give her interview a listen if you haven’t already.

Not a whole lot else to say here. I do believe we have a shot in CD15, and it continues to be my hope that we can narrow some margins this year and thus increase the activity for 2026 and 2028. We’ll know soon enough.

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