One advantage of being a workaholic

Is that you can cut back on your schedule dramatically and still put in a full day’s work.

Mayor Bill White, who in nearly six years has become notorious for working 16-hour days to run the city of Houston in painstaking detail, has cut back drastically to run for U.S. Senate, according to a Houston Chronicle review of his schedule.

The mayor has spent 21 of the past 50 days traveling to events all over Texas and beyond, according to the review, various news stories and campaign-generated messages about his interactions with Texas voters on social media Web sites.

White acknowledged in an interview that he is working about 30 percent to 40 percent less in his mayoral capacity, and that much of the time he is spending on Houston issues has been between stops on the campaign trail as he travels from Marfa to Longview raising his statewide profile.

“We have built a very effective organization, and so every year that has gone by since I’ve been mayor, I’ve been able to delegate more and more effectively to people who know the style, the values and in particular, the fiscal discipline that we expect,” he said.

White estimated that for the remainder of the year, he will spend roughly 40 hours a week on city business and 40 hours campaigning.

The story didn’t quote anyone who was critical of the Mayor cutting back to a 40-hour week, not too surprisingly. I’m sure some of the folks who don’t like the job he’s doing as Mayor will be upset that he’s not there to do as much of it any more, though.

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