Weekend link dump for February 14

Did you buy some overpriced chocolates this week?

Sunday, May 23, will be the finale of “Lost”. Monday, May 24, will be a very unproductive day at workplaces across America. Also, the Internet may break.

The onside kick is a better bet than you’d think, at least if the receiving team isn’t expecting it. Via Texans Chick.

Boomdeyada boomdeyada boomdeyada boomdeyada.

Can you reach me now? Apparently not.

Now there’s an app for tipping your waitstaff.

What Sarah Palin really had written on her hand.

Slime, but not in the ice machine.

Dinosaur feathers.

From the “Reading Is Fundamental” files.

What does it mean to be a recluse, anyway?

Who’s condescending now?

Nothing says “romance” like a sex crime-themed Valentine’s Day card.

Meet a Nigerian Internet scammer. And whatever you do, please don’t reply to his emails.

RIP, Marshall Wilson.

The John Mayer Rule.

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