Modified sonogram bill passes the Senate

I was hoping that the differences between the House and Senate sonogram bills would ultimately sink them, but alas it is not to be.

Senate lawmakers have tentatively passed a controversial measure to require women seeking abortions to receive sonograms — and have the details of the fetus described to them — prior to the procedure. Pending a final vote tomorrow, the bill will head back to the House so the lower chamber can sign off on the Senate’s changes.

The vote on House Bill 15 came after compromise was reached on the biggest point of contention — whether women seeking abortions should be required to have a sonogram 24 hours in advance, or two hours in advance. Sen. Carlos Uresti, D-San Antonio, who has the largest district geographically, feared a 24-hour waiting period would be a hardship for rural women living in his district. He agreed to uphold the 24-hour waiting period approved by the House, as long as women who live at least 100 miles away from the nearest abortion provider, or live in counties with a population of 60,000 or less, are given a two-hour waiting period. (Nearly 94 percent of Texas women live in counties with more than 60,000 people.)

Remember, this was an “emergency” legislative item. Thank you so much, Sen. Uresti, for selling out 94% of the women in Texas.

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One Response to Modified sonogram bill passes the Senate

  1. becky says:

    This is just pure bullsh*t…

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