So Komen has supposedly reversed itself on Planned Parenthood. I’ve read their statement, as well as TBogg’s improved version of it, and I don’t see a “reversal” so much as I see a bunch of weasel words that may very well lead to the same functional result. There’s a bunch of analysis out there, I’ll just refer you to Adam Serwer and Greg Sargent for a good summary of why I remain skeptical. Planned Parenthood, for its part, put out a statement thanking Komen for its reconsideration, as did allies of Planned Parenthood like Reps. Jessica Farrar and Carol Alvarado. I understand their desire to get back on the same page again and refocus the conversation to women’s health again, but I’ve got to admit, I would have preferred them to respond more like this:
There’s probably a reason I was never attracted to diplomacy as a career. Anyway, the outpouring of support to Planned Parenthood has been heartening, and you can keep that going because the need never goes away.
I’m with you; it’s clear that this is little more than PR boilerplate/fluff:
They have reversed nothing except the parsing of their statements. This organization has been a nesting place for right wing rich women since its inception. It was a marketing tool to raise money to glorify themselves. Now they have opened the floodgates into examining every move they make and their outrageous finances. Regional heads make 275 thousand a year! No one is sure how much the ninnies in Dallas make. When a so called charity staffed by wealthy women pay themselves at this level there is a problem.