Time for another report on how much traffic sucks

We love this sort of thing, don’t we?

Houston commuters continue to endure some of the worst traffic delays in the country, according to the 2012 Urban Mobility Report released Tuesday by the Texas A&M Transportation Commission. Area drivers wasted more than two days a year, on average, in traffic congestion, costing them each $1,090 in lost time and fuel.

And it’s unlikely to get any better, researchers and public officials say.

“I think as rapidly as this area is growing, (the challenge) is just trying to stay where we are,” Harris County Judge Ed Emmett said of the traffic congestion.

Planned toll projects on Texas 290 and eventually Interstate 45 will help ease traffic, just as the Katy Freeway managed lanes did in 2008, Emmett said.

With all due respect to Judge Emmett, these projects will help ease some traffic, for some people, just as the Katy Freeway managed lanes have done. It will make traffic worse for some others. Anyone who has driven inside the loop on I-10 in recent years knows what I’m talking about. Traffic coming in on 290 is still going to dump onto 610 and I-10, and they’re not getting any more capacity. Traffic coming in on I-45 is still going to enter downtown streets and get stuck on the Pierce Elevated, and I’m sorry but no crazy downtown roundabout scheme is going to solve that.

Based on the mobility report, in 1982 drivers spent about 22 hours each year stuck in congestion, a figure that has increased almost every year since. Traffic congestion peaked in 2008 at 55 hours, the same year two carpool/toll lanes along I-10 opened between downtown and Katy. The lanes took five years to complete and cost $2.8 billion.

But some of the best ways to reduce congestion are less costly. As Houston drivers have acclimated to rush-hour traffic jams, they’ve become more adept at saving themselves time.

“People are adjusting when they leave,” [report co-author Tim]Lomax said, noting resources that provide real-time traffic information. As smartphones and computers become more common, and workdays come with greater flexibility for some people to work from home, commuters can adjust to less-stressful drive times.

Emphasis on the “some” in that statement. Those of us who have to drop off kids at school in the morning, for instance, don’t have a whole lot of flexibility.

Public transit can provide some relief, but with jobs in Houston divided among a dozen or so job areas, it’s hard for public transit to carry everyone where they need to go efficiently, Lomax said.

Public transportation doesn’t need to carry everyone everywhere, it just needs to be a viable alternative for enough people at least some of the time. The current light rail expansion will help some, and if we ever build the University Line and the Uptown Line (or a reasonable facsimile of it), that will help more. Better bus service will help, as will more park and ride service. Longer term, the best thing that can happen is a shift away from living a long distance from your job to living closer to it, close enough to make other options like walking, biking, and car sharing viable options. If we’re really lucky, that Chapter 42 update could help with that.

Anyway. A copy of the report with a few tidbits highlighted is here, or visit the TTI webpage for more.

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3 Responses to Time for another report on how much traffic sucks

  1. jon boyd says:

    The Urban Mobility Report employs a metric called the Travel Time Index (TTI); to wit, the ratio of travel time in the peak period to the travel time at free-flow conditions. As David Goldberg of Transportation for America explains, TTI is not concerned with the length of your commute, it’s only concerned with what percentage of your commute is spent speeding on down the freeway.

    As far as the Urban Mobility Report is concerned, everyone is better off driving really fast for 45 minutes than driving for 15 minutes in congestion.

    This annual report is written so regional freeway advocates can say,”look at the congestion, and we need to expand freeway capacity just so it won’t get worse.” We are talking about about multi-billion dollar expansions for SH 288, US 290, Grand Parkway, and I-45.

    The City of Houston could incentivize housing starts in downtown and midtown, drawing residents closer to their jobs by easing or abolishing parking requirements in those areas and taxing surface parking lots at a higher rate. We could reallocate these regional freeway funds to fixed guideway transit connecting the top twenty-five job centers and 75% of the region’s jobs.

    Or we can spend billions to keep things the way they are.

  2. Peter Wang says:

    Biking is usually not faster than slow car traffic, but it can be, and at least you get exercise

  3. J Carter says:

    What ever happened with Annise Parker’s statement that she would have the signal lights in downtown Houston coordinated to allow traffice to move through the downtown area in a more fluid manner. I would settle to have the lights all turn at the same time going in one direction. I also notice the rail system causes congestion especially in the morning and afternoon rush hour. What gives?

    Any update on solving these issues?

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