Weekend link dump for October 20

I’m old enough to remember when people inserted random words on Usenet posts in a (joking?) attempt to confuse NSA surveillance routines. The past is never dead…

Cheating the lines at Disneyland is now harder to do.

Dodos apparently lasted longer than we once thought.

Kids today, and their online-TV-watching ways.

That probably isn’t a spider bite that’s bothering you.

Celebrity Gymnastics, because sure, why not.

RIP, Joseph Gomer, Tuskegee Airman.

We need better government IT, which means we need to be willing to pay for it.

Don’t blame Washington, DC for all the crazy people that get sent there by the voters.

Nerd overload.

Thanks for breaking the Constitution, teabaggers.

From the How Quickly They Forget files.

And from the Some Things, Sadly, Never Change department.

“[T]here has been a movement under way for some years among right-wing economists and activists not merely to default on the debt, but even to repudiate it.”

I still don’t get the smart watch thing. We all understand that a two-way wrist radio is just a portable speakerphone, right? Imagine how much more annoying those public cellphone conversations will be.

“The plain fact is that those who have paralyzed government over the Affordable Care Act today feed at the trough of government health-care subsidies, while seeking to exclude others from sharing the bounty. This is simple selfishness in action.”

They’re coming for your birth control. Never forget that.

Mazel tov, Abby and Sarah! May you have many happy years together.

Credit where credit is due: Charles Krauthammer makes a simple yet effective point in service of a good cause.

“There is no serious argument for Republican governance right now, even if you prefer conservative policies over liberal ones. These people are just too dangerously incompetent to be trusted with power.”

Why do asthma inhalers cost so much?

What Ta-Nehisi says.

Judge Richard Posner regrets his decision to uphold Indiana’s voter ID law. Better late than never, I guess.

“I don’t know where the next dollars are coming from. It was like they ignored us, like they don’t care, like we don’t exist.”

Really racist political cartoons. Many are from long ago, but some are not. Some of them, wow. If Pat Oliphant is still drawing a paycheck from any newspaper or syndicate in America, we should all be ashamed.

RIP, Tom Foley, former Speaker of the House.

If we must start up with the tedious “grand bargain” stuff again, can we at least talk about this kind of “grand bargain”? Thanks.

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