Tag Archives: Corisha Rogers

The CD18 candidate forum

This was a well-organized event, and my kudos to everyone who put it together in such a short period of time. I just have a couple of comments. Candidates vying to fill the congressional seat of the late U.S. Rep. … Continue reading

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Two small updates on the CD18 race

From this Trib overview of the five candidates “with extensive elected experience” in the CD18 race: Since the candidate selection is internal within the party, there is no formal filing process for candidates and precinct chairs could theoretically choose anyone. … Continue reading

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The election to nominate a candidate in CD18 has been set

Per an email that I got yesterday from the HCDP, the Executive Committee meeting of CD18 precinct chairs to fill the vacancy on the November ballot will be next Tuesday, August 13, at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, with the meeting … Continue reading

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