My linkage
Polling Texas 2020
UT/Trib, Apr 25: Trump 49, Biden 44
DT/PPP, Apr 29: Biden 47, Trump 46
UT-Tyler/DMN, May 3: Trump 43, Biden 43
Emerson, May 13: Trump 47, Biden 41
Quinnipiac, June 3: Trump 44, Biden 43
PPP, June 5: Trump 48, Biden 48
PPP/PT, June 23: Trump 48, Biden 46
Fox, June 25: Biden 45, Trump 44
UT/Trib, July 2: Trump 48, Biden 44
PPP/Emily’s List, July 2: Biden 48, Trump 46
UT-Tyler/DMN, July 12: Biden 48, Trump 43
CBSNews, July 12: Trump 46, Biden 45
Quinnipiac, July 22: Biden 45, Trump 44
Morning Consult, July 28: Biden 47, Trump 45
Morning Consult, August 3: Biden 47, Trump 46
Polling Texas 2018
WPA, Jan 5: Cruz 52, O'Rourke 34
PPP, Jan 27: Cruz 45, O'Rourke 37
Quinnipiac, April 19: Cruz 47, O'Rourke 44
Quinnipiac, May 31: Cruz 50, O'Rourke 39
PPP, June 8: Cruz 48, O'Rourke 42
GQR, June 16: Cruz 49, O'Rourke 43
CBS/YouGov, June 24: Cruz 44, O'Rourke 36
UT/Trib, June 25: Cruz 41, O'Rourke 36
Gravis, July 10: Cruz 51, O'Rourke 42
Lyceum, July 31: Cruz 41, O'Rourke 39
Quinnipiac, July 31: Cruz 49, O'Rourke 43
PPP, August 2: Cruz 46, O'Rourke 42
NBC News, August 23: Cruz 49, O'Rourke 45
ECPS, August 27: Cruz 38, O'Rourke 37
Crosswinds, September 12: Cruz 47, O'Rourke 44
Quinnipiac, September 18 (LV): Cruz 54, O'Rourke 45
Ipsos, September 19 (LV): O'Rourke 47, Cruz 45Polling Texas 2016
Beatty, Jun 22: Trump 37, Clinton 30
UT/TTP, Jun 27: Trump 41, Clinton 33
KTVT/Dixie, Aug 11: Trump 46, Clinton 35
PPP, Aug 16: Trump 44, Clinton 38
WaPo-SurveyMonkey, Sep 6: Clinton 46, Trump 45
ECPS, Sep 14: Trump 42, Clinton 36
Texas Lyceum, Sep 15: Trump 39, Clinton 32
YouGov, Oct 3: Trump 50,1, Clinton 41.5
KTVT/Dixie, Oct 5: Trump 45, Clinton 38
WFAA/SurveyUSA, Oct 14: Trump 47, Clinton 43
UH Hobby Center, Oct 17: Trump 41, Clinton 38
WaPo/SurveyMonkey, Oct 17: Trump 48, Clinton 46
CBS/YouGov, Oct 23: Trump 46, Clinton 43
Crosswind/Statesman, Oct 27: Trump 45, Clinton 38
UT/TT, Oct 27: Trump 45, Clinton 42
KTVT/Dixie Strategies, Nov 2: Trump 52, Clinton 39
NBC/WSJ/Marist, Nov 3: Trump 49, Clinton 40
ECPS, Nov 3: Trump 49, Clinton 34
YouGov, Nov 5: Trump 50.3, Clinton 42.4Polling Texas 2014
UT/TT, Nov 2013: Abbott 40, Davis 35, Glass 5
PPP, Nov 2013: Abbott 50, Davis 35
UT/TT, Feb 2014: Abbott 47, Davis 36
ECPS, Mar 2014: Abbott 49, Davis 42
Rasmussen, Mar 2014: Abbott 53, Davis 41
PPP, Apr 2014: Abbott 51, Davis 37
UT/TT, June 2014:Abbott 44, Davis 32
YouGov, July 2014: Abbott 50, Davis 34
Rasmussen, Aug 2014: Abbott 48, Davis 40
YouGov, Sep 2014: Abbott 56, Davis 38
Lyceum, Oct 2014: Abbott 49, Davis 40
Rasmussen, Oct 2014: Abbott 51, Davis 40
KHOU, Oct 2014: Abbott 47, Davis 32
UT/TT, Oct 2014: Abbott 54, Davis 38
YouGov, Oct 2014: Abbott 57, Davis 37Polling Texas 2012
PPP April 26: Romney 50, Obama 43
UT/TT May 22: Romney 46, Obama 38 (RV) - Romney 55, Obama 35 (LV)
WPAOR Sep 13: Romney 55, Obama 40
YouGov Sep 24: Romney 52, Obama 41
Lyceum Oct 2: Romney 58, Obama 39
YouGov Oct 17: Romney 55, Obama 41
UT/TT Oct 29: Romney 55, Obama 39
Baselice Oct 30: Romney 54, Obama 38
YouGov Nov 3: Romney 57, Obama 38-
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Polling Texas 2016
Beatty, Jun 22: Trump 37, Clinton 30
UT/TTP, Jun 27: Trump 41, Clinton 33
KTVT/Dixie, Aug 11: Trump 46, Clinton 35
PPP, Aug 16: Trump 44, Clinton 38
WaPo-SurveyMonkey, Sep 6: Clinton 46, Trump 45
ECPS, Sep 14: Trump 42, Clinton 36
Texas Lyceum, Sep 15: Trump 39, Clinton 32
YouGov, Oct 3: Trump 50,1, Clinton 41.5
KTVT/Dixie, Oct 5: Trump 45, Clinton 38
WFAA/SurveyUSA, Oct 14: Trump 47, Clinton 43
UH Hobby Center, Oct 17: Trump 41, Clinton 38
WaPo/SurveyMonkey, Oct 17: Trump 48, Clinton 46
CBS/YouGov, Oct 23: Trump 46, Clinton 43
Crosswind/Statesman, Oct 27: Trump 45, Clinton 38
UT/TT, Oct 27: Trump 45, Clinton 42
KTVT/Dixie Strategies, Nov 2: Trump 52, Clinton 39
NBC/WSJ/Marist, Nov 3: Trump 49, Clinton 40
ECPS, Nov 3: Trump 49, Clinton 34
YouGov, Nov 5: Trump 50,3, Clinton 42.4
Polling Texas 2014
UT/TT, Nov 2013: Abbott 40, Davis 35, Glass 5
PPP, Nov 2013: Abbott 50, Davis 35
UT/TT, Feb 2014: Abbott 47, Davis 36
ECPS, Mar 2014: Abbott 49, Davis 42
Rasmussen, Mar 2014: Abbott 53, Davis 41
PPP, Apr 2014: Abbott 51, Davis 37
UT/TT, June 2014:Abbott 44, Davis 32
YouGov, July 2014: Abbott 50, Davis 34
Rasmussen, Aug 2014: Abbott 48, Davis 40
YouGov, Sep 2014: Abbott 56, Davis 38
Lyceum, Oct 2014: Abbott 49, Davis 40
Rasmussen, Oct 2014: Abbott 51, Davis 40
KHOU, Oct 2014: Abbott 47, Davis 32
UT/TT, Oct 2014: Abbott 54, Davis 38
YouGov, Oct 2014: Abbott 57, Davis 37
Polling Texas 2012
PPP April 26: Romney 50, Obama 43
UT/TT May 22: Romney 46, Obama 38 (RV) - Romney 55, Obama 35 (LV)
WPAOR Sep 13: Romney 55, Obama 40
YouGov Sep 24: Romney 52, Obama 41
Lyceum Oct 2: Romney 58, Obama 39
YouGov Oct 17: Romney 55, Obama 41
UT/TT Oct 29: Romney 55, Obama 39
Baselice Oct 30: Romney 54, Obama 38
YouGov Nov 3: Romney 57, Obama 38
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- C.L. on We’ve got tourists
- Paul A Kubosh on We’ve got tourists
- J on Weekend link dump for March 9
- McD on Rural Texas’ scramble to respond to the measles outbreak
- Meme on Duckees responds to Buc-ee’s
- Bill Brooker on City to implement hiring freeze
- I went southeast on Shrinking Sugar Land
- BillK on Measles case count tops 200
- meme on Measles case count tops 200
- Kayla Marshall on Rep. Turner’s funeral schedule
- Mainstream on Considering the CD18 special election question
- C.L. on The wooly mouse
- David Fagan on RIP, Rep. Sylvester Turner
- Jason Hochman on RIP, Rep. Sylvester Turner
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- Remembering Sylvester Turner
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- Rural Texas’ scramble to respond to the measles outbreak
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- Duckees responds to Buc-ee’s
- Bill to fix joint primary problem introduced
- The GRB gets bigger
- “A bigger threat to U.S. federal government information systems than China”
- Weekend link dump for March 9
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Category Archives: Scandalized!
Abramoff! Abramoff!
Well, now that election is over we can get back to focusing on all those Tom DeLay-related scandals that are still floating about. The WaPo kicks in with a little bio of Jack Abramoff, whose cookies are soon to be … Continue reading Continue reading
Who’s your daddy, DeLay-style
Last week, I wrote: [House Republicans support Tom DeLay] because he supports them financially and electorally Want to know how much he supports them financially, and how many of them are on his dole? Look here. If you think your … Continue reading Continue reading
A day without DeLay…
…is like a day without scandal. Lou Dubose gives an overview of the various DeLay admonishments, indictments, and cronies-in-trouble for the LA Weekly. Via Tom Kirkendall. Carlos Guerra notes the Bacardi-FEC settlement of the rum maker’s unreported donation to DeLay’s … Continue reading Continue reading
New anti-DeLay ad
A 501(c) group called Campaign Money Watch is raising money to run an anti-Tom DeLay ad in CD22. You can view the ad here, and if you like it, you can help them put it on the air. Obviously, there’s … Continue reading Continue reading
Novak on DeLay
One must always take care when reading a Robert Novak column, but he says something here which I think is substantially correct. He’s speaking about the DeLay admonishments, and comparing the situation to those of Jim Wright in 1989 and … Continue reading Continue reading
Court time for Ellis and Robold
Today, DeLay associates Jim Ellis and Warren RoBold have their first day in court. Jim Ellis, a key Washington aide who coordinated several efforts in the Texas Legislature promoted by DeLay, and former fund-raiser Warren RoBold are scheduled to appear … Continue reading Continue reading
Weekend DeLay update
Boy, those editorialists sure do enjoy bashing Tom DeLay, don’t they? I’ve hoped all along that the Democrats could nationalize the Congressional elections by tying various DeLay rubber stamps to him and his sleaze. It’s happening now, so we’ll see … Continue reading Continue reading
What’s the difference?
Sam Rosenfeld asks a very good question: How exactly does the GOP’s removal of tax credits for movie studios in response to the RIAA’s hiring of Democrat Dan Glickman differ from 1998, when the House Ethics Committee chastised Tom DeLay … Continue reading Continue reading
Statesman sues Craddick over phone records
The Statesman has sued Tom Craddick to get his phone records during the runup to the 2003 Speaker election. In its lawsuit, the Statesman alleges that Craddick has refused to release information in his phone records that should be available … Continue reading Continue reading
Yet another DeLay roundup
The Chron takes a closer look at the energy industry fundraiser that drew one of Tom DeLay’s admonishments. The fund-raiser was organized by former DeLay energy aide Drew Maloney, in coordination with ARMPAC staff. Energy executives were told they could … Continue reading Continue reading
Roundup on DeLay
Just a sample of what some other folks have said. I’m certain I’ll miss a few, so let me apologize in advance. The Stakeholder is all over this. See here, here, here, and here. Julia brings the snark (I know, … Continue reading Continue reading
The latest admonitions
So now we know that Tom DeLay has been officially admonished again by the House Ethics Committee. The lawmaker from Sugar Land was cited for apparently linking political donations to legislation and for recruiting federal aviation officials to help search … Continue reading Continue reading
D-Day for DeLay?
The House Ethics Committee is supposed to have met at 2 PM EDT to (finally) decide what to do on the Chris Bell ethics complaint against Tom DeLay. Let’s hope they take this group’s advice and appoint an outside counsel. … Continue reading Continue reading
Scanlon hiding out
Michael Scanlon, the DeLay who along with Jack Abramoff is under investigation for swindling an Indian tribe over lobbying fees for their casino, is holed up in his house so he can’t get served with a subpoena. Michael Scanlon, a … Continue reading Continue reading
Denting DeLay?
With the admonishment of the Ethics Committee in the case of the Nick Smith arm-twisting and with the Bell complaint still pending, Democrats are putting the pressure on Tom DeLay. House Democrats, emboldened by the ethics committee’s public rebuke of … Continue reading Continue reading
DeLay admonished
The House Ethics Committee has finally taken action against Tom DeLay, but not for the Chris Bell complaint. They admonished DeLay and two other members for actions during the Medicare bill last year. In a lengthy report, the panel said … Continue reading Continue reading
AusChron all over TRMPAC
Timing is everything when you’re a weekly publication and a big story breaks. The TRMPAC indictments came down last week too close to the Austin Chronicle’s publication date for them to have anything about it, but they made up for … Continue reading Continue reading
Abramoff gets sleazier
Jack Abramoff, the disgraced DeLay crony currently under investigation for swindling a tribal casino in Texas, just keeps getting more disgraceful. The Capital Athletic Foundation’s Web site portrays youths at play: shaking hands over a tennis net, learning how to … Continue reading Continue reading
Poor Tom
I see via Taking on Tom DeLay that our poor misunderstood Majority Leader is not such a hot draw on the campaign trail. When Billy Tauzin III announced this month that top Republicans would “campaign on his behalf” for Louisiana’s … Continue reading Continue reading
On campaign cash
Campaigns for People is running an ad decrying the influence of money on political campaigns. A grass-roots low-budget effort aimed at reforming how Texas campaigns are financed has begun circulating this week on the Internet and television in four Texas … Continue reading Continue reading
Weekend scandal roundup
The WaPo updates us on the Scanlon/Abramoff/Ralph Reed casino-swindling scandal. Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and public relations consultant Michael Scanlon quietly worked with conservative religious activist Ralph Reed to help the state of Texas shut down an Indian tribe’s casino … Continue reading Continue reading
Tom ‘n’ Tom 4Ever
Not a whole lot of news on the TRMPAC indictment front today, but the Chron comes through with a front-page story that disputes the statements by Tom Craddick and Tom DeLay which claim their involvement with TRMPAC was tangential at … Continue reading Continue reading
Craddick’s turn
The grand jury work in Austin isn’t over yet. Another grand jury will be impaneled starting next week, and this time their focus will be House Speaker Tom Craddick and the Texas Association of Business. Let’s go to the videotape: … Continue reading Continue reading
Indictment update
Let’s see what there is out there today on the TRMPAC indictments: Byron has some good linkage, including the Morning News story: “This is not good news for DeLay,” political analyst Norm Ornstein said. While Mr. Ornstein emphasized that the … Continue reading Continue reading
TRMPAC indictments handed down
My original info was a bit off, but from my perspective that’s just fine since the real story is even better. A Travis County grand jury today indicted three consultants with Texans for a Republican Majority and at least seven … Continue reading Continue reading
Has it been six months already?
The Stakeholder and Taking on Tom DeLay both note that the Travis County grand jury which is investigating the TRMPAC allegations ends its term today amid rumors of indictments. From the Chron: Terry Scarborough, a lawyer representing TRMPAC, said attorneys … Continue reading Continue reading
DeLay investigation dunked?
We should know in another day or two if the House Ethics Committee will use the option of last resort, which is basically to say “we don’t feel like it” and call it a partisan deadlock. At least the Democrats … Continue reading Continue reading
DeLay ethics update
There’s always something big happening when one’s computer access is restricted, isn’t there? Taking on Tom DeLay has you covered on the DeLay ethics complaint,, while The Stakeholder informs us that someone has finally raised an official complaint regarding the … Continue reading Continue reading
Deadlock in DeLay ethics investigation?
Here’s an update to the House Ethics Committee investigation of Tom DeLay, which is fast approaching the deadline they set for themselves when they chose to defer the matter in July. Unfortunately, it looks like this may wind up a … Continue reading Continue reading
How long is 45 days?
Remember this? Reps. Joel Hefley (R-Colo.) and Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.), the panel’s chairman and ranking member, respectively, now have until early September to decide if their panel will take up a complaint against DeLay that was filed by Rep. Chris … Continue reading Continue reading
Ethics complaint filed against UH-CL for DeLay appearance
What’s one more ethics complaint where Tom DeLay is involved? A formal complaint was filed with the Texas Ethics Committee against the University of Houston-Clear Lake, because of the reception held at the university honoring House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. … Continue reading Continue reading
Dennis Hastert is making sense
I’ve been puzzling over Speaker Hastert’s bizarre (and in a just world, libelous) claim that George Soros may have made his fortune through narcotics trafficking (see video of it here, see Soros’ response to Hastert here (PDF), and see Josh … Continue reading Continue reading
There’s multitasking and then there’s multitasking
There must be a mighty big hat rack in State Rep. Ray Allen’s office, because his staffers sure do wear a lot of hats. When state Rep. Ray Allen was passing bills in the Legislature last year, he relied on … Continue reading Continue reading
Oaks at Rio Bend redux
Remember Oaks at Rio Bend and Celebrations for Children? The Chron gives us an update now that the GOP convention is here. Would-be donors to a charity benefiting the subdivision, Oaks at Rio Bend, originally were invited to a New … Continue reading Continue reading