Movable Type 3.14 has been released to address the problem of excessive server load when one is under attack from a comment spammer. From the Movable Type blog:
Because these attacks are increasing in both frequency and severity, we strongly recommend that all Movable Type users install this update. This is particularly important for any installation that is visible to the public on the web.
I’ll be downloading and upgrading later today. There’s also a new beta version of MT Blacklist coming in the next day or so. Mena Trott adds a few words about the new release.
SPAM goes Weblog
Und schon wieder geht ein digitales Medium den Bach runter: Weblogs. Comment-Spamming bedroht rechtschaffende Weblogger und macht den Guten das Leben schwer, auch poor parasew. Movabletype gibts genau deswegen in der Version 3.14, seit kurzem. Für alle…