The Texas Progressive Alliance did not consult with Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend in the making of this week’s roundup.
Off the Kuff crunches some more 2020 Congressional data to see how much things have changed since 2012.
SocraticGadfly, with some help from an Arkansas hospital chain CEO punks the fetal stem cell crowd, going beyond religious exemptions for COVID vaccines and to elements of the “pro-life” movement in general.
Stace reminds us of what is really happening on the border: A human rights crisis.
And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.
Sanford Nowlin observed how quiet many businesses have been since the “heartbeat” law was passed.
The Texas Observer ran a multi-part series on how political corruption is so often ignored by law enforcement in Texas, thanks in part to the legislative dismantling of the Public Integrity Unit of the Travis County DA.
Space City Weather suggests that hurricane season is likely over for Texas.
Michelle Davis outlines how Beto can beat Greg Abbott.
The Great God Pan Is Dead has more fall art to look forward to.
Houstonia welcomes Top Chef to Houston.
The TPA congratulates Lisa Gray for her move to CityCast and the forthcoming debut of CityCast Houston.